

Jones Emberson 1 (reprocessed)

Technikai adatok

Készítette: darkairmouse

Műszer: iOptron 8" RC (f/8, 1600mm)

Kamera: FLI ML3200

Szűrő: Antlia 3nm H-alpha, OIII. 2" mounted

Vezetés: ZWO ASI174 MM mini ,

Mechanika: Orion Sirius (same as HEQ5-pro)

Feltöltés dátuma: 2022.08.16.

Készítés dátuma: 8/15/2022

Hely: Maryland, U.S

Képfeldolgozás: Pixinsight

Megjegyzés: Reprocessed this one with data I took early this year, I think it's better than my first try but still not the way I have in mind. When this object becomes available again I'll add NII and even more OIII.

< 809 810 811 812 813 >

2 hozzászólás:

darkairmouse (2022.08.16. 14:10)

Thanks! And I agree with what you said about the denoise and gradient smiley The gradient is probably caused by the moon as some of those subs were taken under nearly full moon. Now I know I should avoid full moon even with 3nm narrowband filters, at least with those Antlias.
I'll try again and go easy with the denoise.
(DBE didn't remove the gradient, maybe I'll just crop it out from the final image)

ÉderIván (2022.08.16. 09:36)

The nebula is extremely detailed, I love it. The background looks a bit creamy to me, maybe the noise reduction was too strong. And you still have some gradient or vignetting to remove. Anyway, it is a great image!


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