Clip-Filters for Canon Full-Format Cameras 5D and 6D

These Clip-Filters can be installed with your fingers only. Mounting and removing the Clip-Filter is quick and easy. It can be done at any time. No tools or modifiations to the body are necessary to use the Clip-Filters.*

Product variants

More about the product

If you are new to astrophotography and looking for your first filter: We do recommend getting the Astronomik CLS!
The CLS gives you maximum contrast due to it effective surpression of artifical light pollution, but still gives you neutral and well balanced colors. With the Astronomik CLS you can do very deep images of amazing quality even form a urben/suburban observing site!
For the advanced Astrophotographer we do offer a wide selection of filters: Perfect accessories for all kinds of astrophotography. To compile a usefull selection of filters for your obeserving goals we would be happy to give you advise, either via phone or eMail.
The full range of Astronomik filters is available as Full-Format Clip-Filters now.

Mounting the Astronomik EOS XL Clip-Filter:

Mounting the Astronomik EOS XL-Clip Filter is very easy: You don´t need any tools and filters may be changed at night without any problems.
Activate "Mirror Lockup" in the Custom-Functions Menue and press the exposure button once: The flip-mirror goes up and stays there.
Now slide the XL-Clip-Filter into the body and press it in, until it rests on both arms (right & left).
Deactivate the Mirror-Lockup and your camera is ready for imaging!

The installed XL-Clip-Filter fixes the flip-mirror in the upper position. -You can´t use the optical viewfinder as long as the XL-Clip Filter is installed. For Searching, focusing and centering you should use the LiveView monitor on the back of the camera or the remote-controll via USB cable. All functions like Autofocus and Image-Stabilization remain fully functional.
The fixed flip-mirror does not cause any kind of problems or error-messages!

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