Swarovski dS 5-25x52 Gen II riflescope

Swarovski dS 5-25x52 P riflescope with point of aim correction for hunting

Product variants

  • Swarovski dS 5-25x52 P L START SMART Gen. II rifle scope

    Swarovski dS 5-25x52 P L START SMART Gen. II rifle scope (SWdS5-25x52PL)

    incl. 27% VAT

    4 894.74 €
    Including 27% VAT:
    4 894.74 € (1 860 000 HUF)
    Net price (for non-EU customers):
    3 854.13 € (1 464 567 HUF)
    Add to basket Add to basket
    Stock avalability
    Limited stock (1 piece). Please contact our colleagues before ordering: +36-1-202-5651
    Budapest shop:
    Limited stock (1 piece). Please contact our colleagues before ordering: +36-1-202-5651
    Delivery:Limited stock
    Bp. shop:Limited stock
  • Swarovski dS 5-25x52 P SR START SMART Gen. II rifle scope

    Swarovski dS 5-25x52 P SR START SMART Gen. II rifle scope (SWdS5-25x52PSR)

    incl. 27% VAT

    5 010.53 €
    Including 27% VAT:
    5 010.53 € (1 904 000 HUF)
    Net price (for non-EU customers):
    3 945.30 € (1 499 213 HUF)
    Add to basket Add to basket
    Stock avalability
    Please contact our colleagues before ordering: +36-1-202-5651
    Budapest shop:
    Under procurement
    Delivery:Under procurement
    Bp. shop:Under procurement

More about the product

A revolution in the field of optics – this sums up well what Swarovski presented at the trade show. The brand new Swarovski dS riflescope corrects the point of aim and displays ballistic data in the lens. Read on to learn more about this innovative riflescope for hunting.

Product code SWdS5-25x52PL
objektív átmérő 48-52 mm
kilépő pupilla 9,6-2,1 mm
pupillatávolság 95 mm
látómező 7,3-1,5 m/100m
látómező (szög) fok
szürkületi érték 16,1-36
megvilágítható szálkereszt igen
közelpont m
hossz 403 mm
tubus átmérő 40 mm
töltő gáz
találatpont állítás kattintásonként 7 mm/100m
középpont átmérője (100 méteren) mm
vízállóság kg/cm2
hőmérsékleti tartomány között
tömeg 1090 g
jótállás év

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The product comes with 10 years warranty (excluding the electronical parts).

The product (Swarovski dS 5-25x52 P SR START SMART Gen. II rifle scope) comes with 3 years consumer warranty.

Recommended accessories

Swarovski SLP-E-46 flip up cover for eyepieces of Swarovski Z8i, X5(i), Z6(i), dS models
Stock avalability
Limited stock (1 piece). Please contact our colleagues before ordering: +36-1-202-5651
Budapest shop:
Limited stock (1 piece). Please contact our colleagues before ordering: +36-1-202-5651
Delivery:Limited stock
Bp. shop:Limited stock
Add to basket126.32 €
Swarovski SLP-O-63 flip up cover for Swarovski dS rifle scope
Stock avalability
Available for delivery
Budapest shop:
Minimal stock
Delivery:Available for delivery
Bp. shop:Minimal stock
Add to basket126.32 €

You are eligible for accessory discount only when purchased tugether with a main product.