Zeiss Stemi 508 EDU stereomicroscopes

Upper category ZEISS stereo microscopes with 6,3-50x zoom and built-in epi- and transillumination

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More about the product

The ZEISS Stemi 508 is compact, reliable and equipped with optics and mechanics designed for heavy workloads. With the large 36 mm object field you always keep the overview of your sample. The 8:1 zoom then allows to bring details up to 50× magnification. Stemi 508 offers better ergonomics than any other Greenough-type stereo microscope: The low viewing angle of 35° lets you keep a relaxed posture even after hours of work. The unit comes with Stand K EDU and Spot Illuminator K LED.

  • 6,3x to 50x magnification
  • manual zoom with 8:1 zoom factor
  • binocular lens barrel with fixed 35° viewing angle
  • LED transmitted and epi-illumination
  • eyepieces, 10x/23 Br. foc.
  • LED spot illuminator
  • K EDU column stand, (W x D) 190 mm x 310 mm

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The product comes with 2 years warranty (excluding electric parts)

The product (Zeiss STEMI-508 EDU in individuelle Configuration: STEMI508trino, 2 Eyerubbers, Stage K-EDU, Spotlamp K-LED (95009-0006-000 variant)) comes with 3 years consumer warranty.

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