Lacerta Premium focusers

Lacerta focusers for high load capacity. For Newtonians, refractors and SC telescopes.

Product variants

More about the product

Low profile "Bearing Type" focuser with 8 ball bearings (for Newton)
At these very high loading capacity extracts, is the storage of the extension tube with eight ball bearings. The drive is available with Crayford shaft or with a classic rack, the latter principle has prevailed in the short excerpts built because the brake screw can be placed at the side and at the terminals there is no tipping. The Lacerta Newton extract with extra low profile works in this manner, we recommend it for high loads. 

Ball-bearing "Bearing Type Linear" statements for SC
In this type, the extension tube is attached to the bottom rail on both sides out of two oversized ball bearings and held. Characterized in that the tube is supported only at the bottom or out, the construction can be carried out much more easily than a comparable Crayford focuser. The weight of the 2.7-inch refractors for linear statement is as about 30% lower than similar sized Crayford constructions. Eyepiece has the 2.7-inch refractor for linear pull a M74 external thread and a rotator with this, the connected equipment or the camera can be rotated smoothly and effortlessly into the desired position.

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The product (Lacerta OCTO-PLUS 2 inch focuser for Newton (guided on 8 pcs bearing, with 1:10 microfocus, 2" CenterLock eyepiece-holder)) comes with 2 years consumer warranty.

Astronomical telescopes up to 100 Euros
Astronomical telescopes between 100 and 200 Euros
Microscope offer up to 200 Euros


SkyWatcher Mercury-705 (70/500) refractor on CQ40 mount with StarPointer, Barium25 (20x) and Barium10 (50x) eyepieces, star diagonal
SkyWatcher Mercury-705 (70/500) refractor on CQ40 mount
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-15% 188.68 €
SkyWatcher Startravel-102T (102/600) refractor on NEQ2 mount with steel tripod with Red dot finder, 25mm and 10mm exepieces, 45 deg. Star diagonal
SkyWatcher Startravel-102T (102/600) refractor on NEQ2 mount
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Limited stock (1 piece). Please contact our colleagues before ordering: +36-1-202-5651
Delivery:Available for delivery
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-15% 319.23 €
SkyWatcher Skymax-90 Maksutov-Cassegrain (90/1250) on NEQ2 mount with steel tripod (Red Dot Finder, 25mm (50x) and 10 mm (125x) eyepieces, star diagonal)
SkyWatcher Skymax-90 Maksutov-Cassegrain (90/1250) on NEQ2 mount
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-15% 273.26 €
SkyWatcher Startravel-80 (80/400) refractor on StarQuest mount with Starpointer, 25mm (16x) and 10mm (40x) Barium eyepieces, star diagonal
SkyWatcher Startravel-80 (80/400) refractor on StarQuest mount
Stock avalability
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Limited stock (1 piece). Please contact our colleagues before ordering: +36-1-202-5651
Delivery:Available for delivery
Bp. shop:Limited stock
-15% 207.38 €

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