Hand spectroscope

Using a simple student spectroscope we can see easily the Fraunhofer lines in the spectra of Sun, can check the spectrum of street lights, color filters, deep-sky filters or even flames of different materials.

Product variants

  • Pocket Hand spectroscope

    Pocket Hand spectroscope (HandSpektrP)

    incl. 27% VAT

    101.73 €
    Including 27% VAT:
    101.73 € (41 200 HUF)
    Net price (for non-EU customers):
    80.10 € (32 441 HUF)
    Add to basket Add to basket
    Stock avalability
    Available for delivery
    Budapest shop:
    Limited stock (1 piece). Please contact our colleagues before ordering: +36-1-202-5651
    Delivery:Available for delivery
    Bp. shop:Limited stock
  • Hand spectroscope

    Hand spectroscope (HandSpektr)

    incl. 27% VAT

    113.09 €
    Including 27% VAT:
    113.09 € (45 800 HUF)
    Net price (for non-EU customers):
    89.05 € (36 063 HUF)
    Add to basket Add to basket
    Stock avalability
    Please contact our colleagues before ordering: +36-1-202-5651
    Budapest shop:
    Under procurement
    Delivery:Under procurement
    Bp. shop:Under procurement

More about the product

Spectroscopy is an interesting visual subject for students. This spectroscope helps teachers to demonstrate simply and clearly. Uses include:


* Large diameter eyepiece aperture facilitates comfortable viewing of the SINGLE, LARGE and BRIGHT SPECTRUM which is CENTRALLY PLACED in the field of view. * High quality optical components ensure that absorption bands show up clearly - even weak bands that are sometimes difficult to detect. * The LINEAR SPECTRUM is generated by a particularly bright transmission diffraction grating of 600 lines/mm. * The unit is of fixed construction - no need for adjustment. * Robust assembly to withstand years of student handling. * Convenient size. * Supplied in protective rigid box.

Schmidt Zoltán, Miskolc's opinion

After a few weeks, months of usage

Optical quality

Mechanical quality

Price/Value ratio

Hand spectroscope
Hand spectroscope

szép, tiszta spektrumot ad, látszanak a főbb vonlak is a Nap spektrumában. illetve a szines vonalak a fénycsovek vonalas színképében.


Az angol gyártó megtehette volna. hogy a kimenő oldalon kis szabályozást tesz lehetővé, így A szemüvegesek is élesnek látnák a spektrumot, ha a kimenő oldalon lenne egy kis állítási lehetőség. Én egy egy kb. 3 cm-es, 1dioptriás lencsével egészítettem ki a kimenő oldalon , és ha már változtattam, egy szemkagylót is rászereltem, így nem szűrődnek be a zavaró, szórt fények .


Kellemes termék, az apró "'hiányosságokat " könnyen korrigálni lehet. Véleményem szerint inkább egy egyenes látású hármas ragasztott prizma van benne. Az egykori NDK-ból hoztam ilyet (azt szét is berheltem) , emlékszem, igen borsos áron adták Spektroskop Okular néven.

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The product (Hand spectroscope) comes with 2 years consumer warranty.

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SkyWatcher Mercury-705 (70/500) refractor on CQ40 mount with StarPointer, Barium25 (20x) and Barium10 (50x) eyepieces, star diagonal
SkyWatcher Mercury-705 (70/500) refractor on CQ40 mount
Stock avalability
Available for delivery
Budapest shop:
In stock
Delivery:Available for delivery
Bp. shop:In stock
-15% 188.68 €
SkyWatcher Startravel-102T (102/600) refractor on NEQ2 mount with steel tripod with Red dot finder, 25mm and 10mm exepieces, 45 deg. Star diagonal
SkyWatcher Startravel-102T (102/600) refractor on NEQ2 mount
Stock avalability
Available for delivery
Budapest shop:
Limited stock (1 piece). Please contact our colleagues before ordering: +36-1-202-5651
Delivery:Available for delivery
Bp. shop:Limited stock
-15% 319.23 €
SkyWatcher Skymax-90 Maksutov-Cassegrain (90/1250) on NEQ2 mount with steel tripod (Red Dot Finder, 25mm (50x) and 10 mm (125x) eyepieces, star diagonal)
SkyWatcher Skymax-90 Maksutov-Cassegrain (90/1250) on NEQ2 mount
Stock avalability
Available for delivery
Budapest shop:
Stock refill in progress
Delivery:Available for delivery
Bp. shop:Stock refill in progress
-15% 273.26 €
SkyWatcher Startravel-80 (80/400) refractor on StarQuest mount with Starpointer, 25mm (16x) and 10mm (40x) Barium eyepieces, star diagonal
SkyWatcher Startravel-80 (80/400) refractor on StarQuest mount
Stock avalability
Available for delivery
Budapest shop:
Limited stock (1 piece). Please contact our colleagues before ordering: +36-1-202-5651
Delivery:Available for delivery
Bp. shop:Limited stock
-15% 207.38 €

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