Lacerta MGEN-3 autoguider

Easy to operate, improved sensitivity, many-many new features (One button push guiding, Self-learning adaptive guiding, Multistar guiding, etc)

Product variants

  • Lacerta MGEN-3 Autoguider (A.I., Standalone, Remote)

    Lacerta MGEN-3 Autoguider (A.I., Standalone, Remote) (MGEN-3)

    incl. 27% VAT

    886.42 €
    Including 27% VAT:
    886.42 € (359 000 HUF)
    Net price (for non-EU customers):
    697.97 € (282 677 HUF)
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    Stock avalability
    Limited stock (1 piece). Please contact our colleagues before ordering: +36-1-202-5651
    Budapest shop:
    Limited stock (1 piece). Please contact our colleagues before ordering: +36-1-202-5651
    Delivery:Limited stock
    Bp. shop:Limited stock

More about the product

The MGEN-3 is here!

    The new, much stronger hardware enables the new self-learning AI multistar guiding,

    the large color display makes operation more pleasant

    and with the new quick start function ("push one button") guiding starts with just a single push of a button

Nevertheless, of course, if you want, you have full manual control of all parameters ... but who wants that when the AI ​​continuously parameterizes itself in the background?

The first copies have already been delivered.

    Stand Alone or PC App controlled // stand alone or controlled via PC App

    Selflearning (A.I.) adaptive guiding or manual modes // Self-learning adaptive guiding (A.I.) or manual setting

    Easy to use: one button push guiding or manual control // Ease of use: just one button and guidet, or manual control

    Enhanced high sensitivity with real time darkframe correction // Improved sensitivity with real-time dark image deduction

    Multistar guiding for extra high subpixel precision // Multistar guiding for improved subpixel accuracy

    Polar alignment using digital Scheiner method // Polar alignment using digital Scheiner method

    DSLR / CCD Exposure Control // DSLR / CCD exposure control

    Dithering modes available // various dithering modes available

    Guidelog displayed and saved // Guidelog display and saving

    Arbitrary binning modes // Freely selectable binning modes

    USB powered (5V), typical 240mA / 1.2W // USB powered (5V), only 1.2W!

    Aux port for additional equipment // AUX port for additional accessories

    continuous development, new features // ongoing development, new functions

accompanying apps - in the support tab

Support: Apps for the MGEN-3

    Virtual Interface - App for controlling the MGEN-3 via the PC

    Sky Emulator: PC app which simulates stars for the MGEN-3 - to get to know and test

    Text Translator: To translate the MGEN-3 menu texts into other languages ​​(your help is welcome!)

Technical specifications


    Chip: CMOS AR0130CS mono

    Diagonal 6mm

    Resolution: 1.2Mpx

    Cooling: passive via housing

    Power supply: via USB

    Data: via USB2

    Telescope-side connections: T2, M28.5x0.6 filter thread, 31.7mm socket / other adapters optionally available

    automatic dark image deduction to increase sensitivity


    large color display (night modes available)

    2x USB

    micro SD card slot

    Power supply 5V (USB), type 240mA

    Snap socket for camera trigger control

    additional serial output (3.5mm)

    WiFi module integrated

scope of delivery

    MGEN-3 hand box

    MGEN-3 camera

    2x USB cable (for power supply and camera connection)

    Autoguider cable (ST4 standard)

    4 GB micro SD card

Zozó69's opinion

Results of the first test

Optical quality

Mechanical quality

Lacerta MGEN-3 Autoguider (A.I., Standalone, Remote)
Lacerta MGEN-3 Autoguider (A.I., Standalone, Remote)

Az alapbeállítások már előre programozottak, szinte csak ellenőrzésképp kellett átfutni, majd egy gombnyomással indítható a vezetés. Egyszerű, áttekinthető menü, a fényképezőgép-vezérlés indítása után szépen teszi a dolgát a programozásnak megfelelően. A bolygatás funkció óriási ötlet! Plusz garanciát és terméktámogatást is lehet hozzá vásárolni (további fejlesztések várhatók).


Sajnos az ára! Egyéb hátrányt egyenlőre nem tudok mondani.


Szerintem megéri, a pontos vezetés a fotózáshoz elengedhetetlen, ugyanakkor a cég folyamatosan fejleszt és élvonalbeli.

Please log in in order to be ablo to provide feedback!

The product comes with 2 years warranty (excluding electric parts)

The product (Lacerta MGEN-3 Autoguider (A.I., Standalone, Remote)) comes with 3 years consumer warranty.

Recommended accessories

EOS-1 Cable for MGEN or UrsaMinor Intarface (f.e. for EOS450)
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