ZWO Seestar S30 smart telescope

Smallest version of the ZWO Seestar series

Product variants

  • ZWO Seestar S30 smart telescope

    ZWO Seestar S30 smart telescope (ZWOSeeStarS30)

    incl. 27% VAT

    566.91 €
    Including 27% VAT:
    566.91 € (229 600 HUF)
    Net price (for non-EU customers):
    446.39 € (180 787 HUF)
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    Available for delivery
    Budapest shop:
    Limited stock (1 piece). Please contact our colleagues before ordering: +36-1-202-5651
    Delivery:Available for delivery
    Bp. shop:Limited stock

More about the product

The advantages at a glance: Just like the big players: True apochromatic lens with 50mm aperture for crystal clear images which with instantly enchant any viewer GoTo, auto focus and live tracking - watch along live as the image is created before your very eyes With a free app as the central control point for unforgettable tours of the skies Simple astrophotos: Set up telescope, open app, and go Battery for 6 hours of astrophotography at a time Welcome to the future of astrophotography! Astrophotos as if by magic With the Seestar, photographing celestial objects becomes child's play. It does everything itself! Simply select your desired object and voilà! The telescope finds its target and automatically selects the correct focus. Thanks to star tracking and automatic stacking, a continuously improving image appears in front of your eyes. And this is how it works…

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The product (ZWO Seestar S30 smart telescope) comes with 2 years consumer warranty.

Astronomical telescopes up to 100 Euros
Astronomical telescopes between 100 and 200 Euros
Microscope offer up to 200 Euros


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Stock avalability
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Stock avalability
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Delivery:Available for delivery
Bp. shop:Limited stock
-15% 207.38 €

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