Spare parts for mounts

If broken, stolen, lost, etc. we try to replace.

Product variants

More about the product

Bajczi Péter's opinion

Results of the first test

Optical quality

Mechanical quality

Price/Value ratio

EQ3 head without any accessoires (no counter weight, no flex-arm etc.)
EQ3 head without any accessoires (no counter weight, no flex-arm etc.)

szuper néhány beállítás után kiválóan teszi a dolgát.


-nincs ilyen


kiváló ár érték arány csak ajánlani tudom kivált kép azok számára akik asztro fotókat akarnak készíteni kiváló stabil mechanika.

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Astronomical telescopes up to 100 Euros
Astronomical telescopes between 100 and 200 Euros
Microscope offer up to 200 Euros


SkyWatcher Mercury-705 (70/500) refractor on CQ40 mount with StarPointer, Barium25 (20x) and Barium10 (50x) eyepieces, star diagonal
SkyWatcher Mercury-705 (70/500) refractor on CQ40 mount
Stock avalability
Available for delivery
Budapest shop:
Minimal stock
Delivery:Available for delivery
Bp. shop:Minimal stock
-15% 188.68 €
SkyWatcher Startravel-102T (102/600) refractor on NEQ2 mount with steel tripod with Red dot finder, 25mm and 10mm exepieces, 45 deg. Star diagonal
SkyWatcher Startravel-102T (102/600) refractor on NEQ2 mount
Stock avalability
Available for delivery
Budapest shop:
Limited stock (1 piece). Please contact our colleagues before ordering: +36-1-202-5651
Delivery:Available for delivery
Bp. shop:Limited stock
-15% 319.23 €
SkyWatcher Skymax-90 Maksutov-Cassegrain (90/1250) on NEQ2 mount with steel tripod (Red Dot Finder, 25mm (50x) and 10 mm (125x) eyepieces, star diagonal)
SkyWatcher Skymax-90 Maksutov-Cassegrain (90/1250) on NEQ2 mount
Stock avalability
Available for delivery
Budapest shop:
Minimal stock
Delivery:Available for delivery
Bp. shop:Minimal stock
-15% 273.26 €
SkyWatcher Startravel-80 (80/400) refractor on StarQuest mount with Starpointer, 25mm (16x) and 10mm (40x) Barium eyepieces, star diagonal
SkyWatcher Startravel-80 (80/400) refractor on StarQuest mount
Stock avalability
Available for delivery
Budapest shop:
Limited stock (1 piece). Please contact our colleagues before ordering: +36-1-202-5651
Delivery:Available for delivery
Bp. shop:Limited stock
-15% 207.38 €

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