SkyWatcher Evolux 62ED

Black Diamond ED Refractor

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Skywatcher Evolux-62ED OTA - apochromatic 62/400 mm ED Refractor

Elegant design, next-generation performance

Building on the foundation of the popular Evostar line of doublet ED refractors, Sky-Watcher has developed the all-new Evolux ED series. Designed for the discerning astrophotographer looking for a lightweight scope that still packs a punch. Naturally, Evolux ED models offer excellent performance for visual use too. Evolux ED models have key upgrades in the optics and the mechanics, making them the perfect fit for a widefield grab-and-go setup.

Evolux ED apochromatic doublet refractors are the perfect blend of superior extra-low dispersion glass and affordability. The doublet lens assembly utilises a proprietary combination of optically matched lenses, including one ED lens element, that delivers sharp stars with charcoal-black, contrast-rich skies, whilst virtually eliminating false colour. All lens elements feature Sky-Watcher's proprietary Metallic High-Transmission Coatings™ (MHTC™) which are the finest photon anti-rejection coatings in their class, optimising light throughput to up to 99.5%! 

The Evolux-62ED can also be used as a deluxe guidescope. The Evolux-62ED comes in a foam-lined aluminum case with a 2.4-inch 11:1 dual-speed rack-and-pinion focuser, 45mm dovetail bar, clamshell ring, and adjustable dew shield.

An optional 0.9x two-element focal reducer/field flattener, which includes one ED lens element and adaptor/field rotator is available separately, which when combined makes the Evolux-62ED into a four-lens optical system comprising two ED elements!

  • 62mm diameter
  • New ED (Extra-low-dispersion) glass
  • New 2-element lens design
  • Focal length=400mm / f = 6.5
  • Focal length = 360mm / f=5.8 with optional dedicated reducer/flattener for wider field of view
  • Net Weight: 2.5kg
  • Retractable dewshield for compact handling and storage
  • High precision new 61mm (2.4″) dual-speed focuser
  • Aluminium hard case

Toecutter's opinion

Results of the first test

Optical quality

Mechanical quality

Price/Value ratio

62/400 Skywatcher Evolux ED-APO with 2.4" (61 mm) microfocus Crayford focuser and retractable dewshield
62/400 Skywatcher Evolux ED-APO with 2.4" (61 mm) microfocus Crayford focuser and retractable dewshield

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The product (62/400 Skywatcher Evolux ED-APO with 2.4" (61 mm) microfocus Crayford focuser and retractable dewshield) comes with 2 years consumer warranty.

Recommended accessories

Handle dovetail for Evolux ED62/82
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Limited stock (1 piece). Please contact our colleagues before ordering: +36-1-202-5651
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Add to basket13.83 €

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