HD 10x42 ED Delta Titanium binocular

incl. 27% VAT

Including 27% VAT:
495.26 € (188 200 HUF)
Net price (for non-EU customers):
389.97 € (148 189 HUF)
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  • 10 year manufacturer warranty
  • 2 years consumer warranty

Product code: tit1042ed

HD 10x42 ED Delta Titanium roof-prism, high quality, semi-apochromatic binoculars, nitrogen-filled, 93% transmission

More about the product

Titanium HD binoculars with state-of-the-art optics are strongly recommended for the most demanding user. They comprise of high-quality ED glass which level most of optical defects. Titanium HD has an unparalleled high light transmission. The binoculars are extremely handy and their sleek design is just breathtaking!
8x42 model with a field of view of 8 degrees is suitable for many different types of observation. 10x42 model due to larger magnification but smaller field of view is recommended for daytime observation.

Product code tit1042ed tit842ed
átmérő 42 mm 42 mm
nagyítás 10 x 8 x
látómező 126 m/1000 m 136 m/1000 m
közelpont 2 m 2 m
látószög 7,23 fok 7,8 fok
szemlencse átmérő mm mm
kilépő pupilla 4,2 mm 5,25 mm
szürkületi érték 20,5 18,33
geometriai fényerő
tömeg 710 g 774 g

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The product comes with 10 years warranty (excluding the electronical parts).

The product comes with 2 years consumer warranty.

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Bp. shop:In stock
495.26 €