7mm, 15mm, 23mm SkyWatcher UWA Sky Panorama eyepiece (82 deg.) in alucase

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320.74 € (129 900 HUF)
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252.55 € (102 283 HUF)
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  • 2 year manufacturer warranty
  • 2 years consumer warranty

Product code: swuwset

7mm, 15mm, 23mm SkyWatcher UWA Sky Panorama eyepiece (82 deg.) in alucase

 Sky-Watcher has finally entered the market of the wide field eyepieces.
Beside the fact that these ones are the cheapest 82° eyepieces, they're of good quality. Even with the 7mm model has a relatively large, 22mm eye lens and 15mm eye relief.

The field of view is well corrected, the image is sharp even at the edges. The longer focal length eyepieces are more dependant on the errors of the telescope optics, therefore a coma corrector is recommended for fast newtonian telescopes.

All air-glass surfaces are fully multi coated, resulting in high light transmission. The eyepieces are excellent for deep-sky observation as well.

The larger field of view comes with many advantages. For example, the 15mm model provides the same field of view as a 25mm standard Plossl, but at a much higher magnification, resulting in darker sky background. The wide field comes handy also when faint stars need to be found in the field. According to our tests, approximately 0,5 mag fainter stars were visible with this eyepieces.

The eye to eyelens distance can be adjusted by turning the ring on the eyepiece. The rubber eyecup can also be removed.

The 7mm and 15mm models fit into the standard 1.25" focusers, while the 23mm require 2" focuser.A 7 és 15mm-es modellek 31,7mm-es kihuzatba illeszkednek, míg a 23mm-est csak 50,8mm-es (2"-es) kihuzatban használhatjuk.

More about the product

 Sky-Watcher has finally entered the market of the wide field eyepieces.
Beside the fact that these ones are the cheapest 82° eyepieces, they're of good quality. Even with the 7mm model has a relatively large, 22mm eye lens and 15mm eye relief.

The field of view is well corrected, the image is sharp even at the edges. The longer focal length eyepieces are more dependant on the errors of the telescope optics, therefore a coma corrector is recommended for fast newtonian telescopes.

All air-glass surfaces are fully multi coated, resulting in high light transmission. The eyepieces are excellent for deep-sky observation as well.

The larger field of view comes with many advantages. For example, the 15mm model provides the same field of view as a 25mm standard Plossl, but at a much higher magnification, resulting in darker sky background. The wide field comes handy also when faint stars need to be found in the field. According to our tests, approximately 0,5 mag fainter stars were visible with this eyepieces.

The eye to eyelens distance can be adjusted by turning the ring on the eyepiece. The rubber eyecup can also be removed.

The 7mm and 15mm models fit into the standard 1.25" focusers, while the 23mm require 2" focuser.A 7 és 15mm-es modellek 31,7mm-es kihuzatba illeszkednek, míg a 23mm-est csak 50,8mm-es (2"-es) kihuzatban használhatjuk.

Product code SWUW07 SWUW15 SWUW23
fókusz 7 mm 15 mm 23 mm
névleges látómező 82 fok 82 fok 82 fok
pupillatávolság 15 mm 15 mm 18 mm
szemlencse átmérő 22 mm 22 mm 24 mm
méret 89x57 mm 83x61 mm 115x80 mm
kihuzat 31,7 mm 31,7 mm 50,8 mm
tömeg g g g

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The product comes with 2 years warranty (excluding electric parts)

The product comes with 2 years consumer warranty.

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