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Product code: kup-VL
Combined clutch for both Losmandy and Vixen/Synta mounts (length 18cm, max. load 40kg)
Heads that can be installed in EQ6, Fornax or similar telescope mounts prividing Vixen or Losmandy dovetails.
The "Formax compatible platform for EQ6" allows mounting kup-VL or kup-VLL heads, Losmandy plates (and possibly Reiter adapter on top of that) onto the standard EQ6.
The kup-VL and kup-VLL accepts both Vixen and Losmandy dovetails. Can be mounted onto Fornax and EQ6 mounts (with Kup-F-eq6 adapter).
The sliding clutch (Reiter) series can be used to mount accessories onto the dovetails, like cameras, photo heads, tube rings for guidescopes.
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