80mm Acuter 20-60x spotting scope, 45 deg erecting view

incl. 27% VAT

Including 27% VAT:
314.75 € (125 900 HUF)
Net price (for non-EU customers):
247.83 € (99 134 HUF)
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  • 2 year manufacturer warranty
  • 2 years consumer warranty

Product code: acute80a

80mm Acuter 20-60x spotting scope, 45 deg erecting view prism, waterproof

More about the product

This spotting scope can be mounted to any standard photo tripod and provides 20-60x magnification. Recommended for hiking, birding, archers, shooters and for any other outdoor activity where distant objects play important role. Having a large objective lens it performs well during low light conditions as well.

The spotting scope is available in two versions: 45 degrees tilted (A) and straight (B). The straight version is especially preferred by hunters but this one is not that convinient to use for astronomical purposes. When the magnification is increased the field of view is widened, meaning that the true field of view shrinks only to half (56 degrees) when the spotting scope is used at the highest available magnification.

This model can be used for astronomical observations as well, but is recommended especially for daytime use. Photography is also possible with a DCH adaptor.

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The product comes with 2 years warranty (excluding electric parts)

The product comes with 2 years consumer warranty.

Recommended accessories

DCH universal Single Lens Reflex adaptor kit for Acuter spotting scopes (to T2)
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Limited stock (1 piece). Please contact our colleagues before ordering: +36-1-202-5651
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