Star Adventurer Equatorial Wedge
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Including 27% VAT:
77.11 € (29 300 HUF)Net price (for non-EU customers):
60.72 € (23 071 HUF)Stock avalability
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In stock- 2 year manufacturer warranty
- 2 years consumer warranty
Product code: StarAdvWedge
Star Adventurer Equatorial Wedge
More about the product
First impressions :
- Modular construction , head and wedge separable
- Adjustable Friction Clutches in RA and DEC
- Powered by 4 x 1.5V AA batteries , or via USB
- ST4 autoguider interface (currently only in RA, we are working on an upgrade solution in DEC)
- Makes a stable impression that everything is firmly clamped and notice no resulting game
- More details from the images shown
Basic specifications:
- Weight: 1200g (only head with terminal) , 500g ( wedge ) , 500g ( dovetail with DEC Unit)
- Transport Size: 165 x 125 x 100 mm ( head only)
- Tripod Connections: Vixen dovetail plate and 1 /4 " thread
- Connections at top : 1/ 4 "camera thread ( on DEC - Unit) , 3/ 8" photo thread and M8 for counterweight bar (both at the prism rail) , Vixen dovetail plate ( right on the head)
You can see more photos in the " IMAGES " tab
Practice test :
As anyone who has ever used one of these trackers know the accuracy depends extremely on the accuracy of polar alignment from .
When the Star Adventurer polarscope rotates with the shaft , and therefore one can very easily adjust to the axis. Then the North Star by Kochab method to the correct point on the perimeter and off you go.
I had made the 200L lens on the Eos , and after aligning on meridian / equator times a few photos 2 minutes . The saw already quite good , but it took a little fine tuning on the pole orientation , then from frame to frame was no movement of the stars to be seen.
This is already something that no longer goes well with the iOptron or POLARIE with the 200L, which begin at the strong eccentric load to hop on and you like to get double stars .
When Star Adeventurer gabs this problem, the tracking was entirely consistent with no erratic deviations.
Then tried 5min exposures, and lo and behold, even as I was able to completely point-like stars to come.
In the handling of the Star Adventurer is very pleasant, compared to the other trackers on the market. The clamps you can easily grab, and the slip couplings have this great friction clutch. It has not so attract a Gefrickel with mini screws are hard to believe but gets quite firm, and must get open again when changing the camera position. The Poleinstellung is easy and very finely vary, you can make very small movements and the terminals not changed.
This looks so very good, and the next thing I want to hang a little more weight and work with counterweight. The small Lacerta 72/432 Apo looks to me like compatible ...
NagyLaci21's opinion
After a few weeks, months of usage
Mechanical quality
Price/Value ratio
Star Adventurer Equatorial Wedge
Könnyű, kicsi kompakt szerkezet. Finom mozgatási lehetőség. Rugós fixálókar. Egyszerűen ráhelyezhető a mechanika.
Nincs ilyen.
Nagyban megkönnyíti a pólusra állást, és fix támaszt ad a mechanikának.
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The product comes with 2 years warranty (excluding electric parts)
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