Skywatcher Evostar 80/600 PRO ED-APO
incl. 27% VAT
Including 27% VAT:
432.56 € (175 185 HUF)Net price (for non-EU customers):
340.59 € (137 941 HUF)Stock avalability
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Limited stock (1 piece). Please contact our colleagues before ordering: +36-1-202-5651- 3 year manufacturer warranty
- 2 years consumer warranty
Product code: SWapo80
Skywatcher Evostar 80/600 PRO ED-APO with Crayford focuser and tube rings
The Sky-Watcher Evostar 80/600 ED refractor has a legendary image quality. The image is extremely sharp, without any sign of color aberration.
The 80mm objective lens shows incredible details on the surfaces of Moon and planets. Magnification range is 12x-240x, making it possible to observe martian continents, Saturn's ring system or Jupiter's athmosphere. Deep sky objects can also be observed with extremely sharp stars and open and globular clusters, nebulae. The view is simply breathtaking.
Provides a 2" Crayford focuser.
Excellent scope for astrophotography as well. The 600mm focal length shows many details even in smaller galaxies and planetary nebulae. A corrector or reducer is recommended to keep stars sharp even at the edges.
The scope can be purchased in different kits. An EQ-3 mount is a recommended minimum but more robust mounts are also available. An AZ4 or AZ-5 mount can be recommended for daytime use.
More about the product
The Sky-Watcher Evostar 80/600 ED refractor has a legendary image quality. The image is extremely sharp, without any sign of color aberration.
The 80mm objective lens shows incredible details on the surfaces of Moon and planets. Magnification range is 12x-240x, making it possible to observe martian continents, Saturn's ring system or Jupiter's athmosphere. Deep sky objects can also be observed with extremely sharp stars and open and globular clusters, nebulae. The view is simply breathtaking.
Provides a 2" Crayford focuser.
Excellent scope for astrophotography as well. The 600mm focal length shows many details even in smaller galaxies and planetary nebulae. A corrector or reducer is recommended to keep stars sharp even at the edges.
The scope can be purchased in different kits. An EQ-3 mount is a recommended minimum but more robust mounts are also available. An AZ4 or AZ-5 mount can be recommended for daytime use.
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The product comes with 3 years warranty
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