SkyWatcher Explorer-300PDS (300/1500) Newtonian reflector OTA with Dual-Speed focuser

incl. 27% VAT

1 020.00
Including 27% VAT:
1 020.00 € (413 100 HUF)
Net price (for non-EU customers):
803.15 € (325 276 HUF)
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  • 3 year manufacturer warranty
  • 3 years consumer warranty

Product code: SWN30015mf

SkyWatcher Explorer-300PDS (300/1500) Newtonian reflector OTA with Dual-Speed focuser with 9x50 finderscope, 28mm APEX eyepiece

More about the product

This SkyWatcher Explorer 300PDS Newtonian (305/1500mm) telescope is the largest scope available on an equatorial mount from SkyWatcher. The image provided is definitely brighter and more detailed than in a 250mm model, thanks to the 44% larger area of aperture. Most of the galaxies show much details when observed from under darks skies. Can show breathtaking details even on the planets and the Moon, or even on the largest jovian moon Ganymede. A 28 mm APEX eyepiece is included (53x magnification) with an achromatic 9x50 springload finderscope. A 2" dual speed Crayford focuser helps for precise focus adjustment. A Losmandy dovetail (75mm) is provided which provides higher stability. Can be purchased together with an EQ-6 mount, or with the Pro version with GoTo capabilities.

For the GoTo version we highly recommend the Skywatcher Wi-Fi unit (SynScanWifi), with which you can control your telescope via smartphone or tablet. Just plug the Wi-Fi unit into the hand controller slot and download the free App (Android or iOS) - it is ready to use.


Product code SWN30015mf
optikai felépítés Newton (tükrös)
objektív átmérő 305 mm
fókusz 1500 mm
nyílásviszony F/5
segédtükör mérete 70 mm
nagyítástartomány 40-450
felbontóképesség 0,4 " (ívmásodperc)
kereső 9x50 SpringLoad
fókuszírozó 2
tartozék okulár és kapott nagyítás Apex 28 mm
egyéb tartozék
mechanika EQ6-tól
teljes tömeg kg
tubus tömege 23 kg

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The product comes with 3 years warranty

The product comes with 3 years consumer warranty.

Recommended accessories

Solar filter film in holder for 300mm Newton telescopes
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Add to basket45.68 €
If you buy a new telescope, you can choose one TMB Planetary eyepiece with a special discount. You can choose 3.2, 4, 5 or 6 mm focus.
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Please contact our colleagues before ordering: +36-1-202-5651
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Under procurement
Delivery:Under procurement
Bp. shop:Under procurement
Add to basket39.51 €
SynScan WiFi Adaptor
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In stock
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Bp. shop:In stock
Add to basket72.35 €
Transport bag for 300/1500 tube
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Add to basket155.06 €

You are eligible for accessory discount only when purchased tugether with a main product.

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