SkyWatcher Quattro-10S (250/1000) Newtonian reflector reflector with Dual-Speed focuser

incl. 27% VAT

Including 27% VAT:
845.68 € (342 500 HUF)
Net price (for non-EU customers):
665.89 € (269 685 HUF)
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  • 3 year manufacturer warranty
  • 3 years consumer warranty

Product code: SWN25010i

SkyWatcher Quattro-10S (250/1000) Newtonian reflector reflector with Dual-Speed focuser with 9x50 finder

More about the product

Imaging faint objects require long exposure times. The exposure times can be reduced by using faster telescopes, like this Quattro.

The Sky-Watcher Quattro 10S is a premium quality imaging Newtonian with a wide field of illumination and fast f4 focal-ratios. It has paraboloidal primary mirror made of low thermal expansion glass resulting in shorter cool-down times. The tube is equipped with knife-edge ray traced baffles for maximum image contrast. A 2" dual speed Crayford focuser helps for precise focus adjustment.

The tube length of the telescope is also shorter, meaning that the scope is easier to handle and transport, and it is also more stable on a given mount than a longer tube model.

A comacorrector is a recommended accessory for astrophotography, we recommend the SkyWatcher's aplanatic F/4 coma corrector, which has really good quality.

This scope is an excellent instrument for visual observing too, especially for deep-sky oobjects,  but can be used with high magnifications as well.

Note that the mount is not included.

For visual use the minimum recommented mount is an EQ5 or AZ-EQ5, while for astrophotography the minimum mount is one of the EQ6 models are recommended.

Product code SWN25010i
optikai felépítés Newton (tükrös)
objektív átmérő 254 mm
fókusz 1000 mm
nyílásviszony F/4
segédtükör mérete 82 mm
nagyítástartomány 40-350x
felbontóképesség 0,5 " (ívmásodperc)
kereső 9x50
fókuszírozó 2'' Crayford (1:10)
tartozék okulár és kapott nagyítás -
egyéb tartozék 1,25" és 2" vizuális toldat, T2 adapter
mechanika opcionális
teljes tömeg kg
tubus tömege 15,5 kg

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The product comes with 3 years warranty

The product comes with 3 years consumer warranty.

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