Skywatcher Heliostar 76/630 Solar prominence telescope

incl. 27% VAT

2 713.58
Including 27% VAT:
2 713.58 € (1 099 000 HUF)
Net price (for non-EU customers):
2 136.68 € (865 354 HUF)
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  • 1 year warranty
  • 3 years consumer warranty

Product code: SWH76Ha

Skywatcher Heliostar 76/630 Solar prominence telescope with 0.5A bandwidth

This telescope uses multiple technologies to protect the human eye during observation, including a thermal infrared reflection film, a special filter to block heat, and a filter to block the entry of ultraviolet light, thus blocking stray light that affects the observation.

The Heliostar 76Hα telescope uses a combination of front and rear filters to allow only monochromatic light with a wavelength of 656.28 nanometers emitted by hydrogen atoms to pass through, while blocking other light with different wavelengths.

This allows the observation of quite active prominences in the H-a band. The bandpass is less than 0.5 angstroms, so the image of solar surface is extremely detailed and has excellent contrast.


  • Aperture 76 mm 
  • Focal Length 630 mm 
  • Focal Ratio f/8.3 
  • Resolution < 0.5 angstroms 
  • Solar Type Finder 
  • 2 inch Crayford Focuser

More about the product

This telescope uses multiple technologies to protect the human eye during observation, including a thermal infrared reflection film, a special filter to block heat, and a filter to block the entry of ultraviolet light, thus blocking stray light that affects the observation.

The Heliostar 76Hα telescope uses a combination of front and rear filters to allow only monochromatic light with a wavelength of 656.28 nanometers emitted by hydrogen atoms to pass through, while blocking other light with different wavelengths.

This allows the observation of quite active prominences in the H-a band. The bandpass is less than 0.5 angstroms.


  • Aperture 76 mm 
  • Focal Length 630 mm 
  • Focal Ratio f/8.3 
  • Resolution < 0.5 angstroms 
  • Solar Type Finder 
  • 2 inch Crayford Focuser

's opinion

Results of the first test

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Price/Value ratio

Skywatcher Heliostar 76/630 Solar prominence telescope with 0.5A bandwidth
Skywatcher Heliostar 76/630 Solar prominence telescope with 0.5A bandwidth

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Vizuálisan nemigen láttam (azaz: lásd fentebb!)


Javítom a fenti véleményem annyiban, hogy ott ár/érték arányra 2/5-öt adtam tévedésből (fordítva ültem a lovon, na). Igazából az 4/5. Azért csak 4 az ötből, mert egy gurigáért még így is a ku... (nagyon drága) kategória ez a naptávcső, viszont ha a konkurrencia árképzéséhez viszonyítunk, akkor már nagyon kedvező. Különösen a Nap felszínén mutatott részletek tekintetében, ahol a Lunt DoubleStacking-jéhez hasonlót ad ennyiért (...amennyiből azért egy használható, ám öreg autó is megvásárolható).

's opinion

Results of the first test

Optical quality

Mechanical quality

Price/Value ratio

Skywatcher Heliostar 76/630 Solar prominence telescope with 0.5A bandwidth
Skywatcher Heliostar 76/630 Solar prominence telescope with 0.5A bandwidth

Jó áron nagy felbontás és kontraszt.


Csak kipróbáltam Csillagtanyán a bolt példányát. Frenetikus volt, nem is kérdés, a saját 60-as Luntomhoz képest is. U.i.: egyúttal kérném a "nyalásviszony" paramétert "nyílásviszony"-ra javítani, mielőtt befóliázza Demeter Szilárd a boltot is....

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The product comes with 3 years consumer warranty.

3.8/5, based on 6 reviews

Optical quality

4.0/5, based on 2 reviews

Mechanical quality

4.5/5, based on 2 reviews

Price/Value ratio

3.0/5, based on 2 reviews

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