Swarovski SLP-O-56 flip up cover

incl. 27% VAT

Including 27% VAT:
118.52 € (48 000 HUF)
Net price (for non-EU customers):
93.32 € (37 795 HUF)
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  • 1 year warranty
  • 2 years consumer warranty

Product code: SW-SLP-O-56

Swarovski SLP-O-56 flip up cover for 56 mm riflescopes, for Z8i, X5(i), Z6(i), Z4i, Z5, Z3 models

More about the product


The SWAROVSKI OPTIK range of accessories offers innovative products tested in the field that enhance rifle scopes’ functionality, while also ensuring that they are properly protected and cared for. Each product is perfectly tailored to our optical devices and stands out thanks to its high-quality materials and excellent design.

SLP-O scope lens protectors

The SLP-O scope lens protector protects objective lenses against the impact from all weather conditions. The aluminum cover can be rotated 360°, opened in any direction, and has a magnetic catch. Fits the following SWAROVSKI OPTIK rifle scopes depending the model.

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Swarovski SLP-O-56 flip up cover for 56 mm riflescopes, for Z8i, X5(i), Z6(i), Z4i, Z5, Z3 models
Swarovski SLP-O-56 flip up cover for 56 mm riflescopes, for Z8i, X5(i), Z6(i), Z4i, Z5, Z3 models

's opinion

After a few weeks, months of usage

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Swarovski SLP-O-56 flip up cover for 56 mm riflescopes, for Z8i, X5(i), Z6(i), Z4i, Z5, Z3 models
Swarovski SLP-O-56 flip up cover for 56 mm riflescopes, for Z8i, X5(i), Z6(i), Z4i, Z5, Z3 models

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The product comes with 2 years consumer warranty.

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4.6/5, based on 5 reviews

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