STM4b-LED stereo microscope

incl. 27% VAT

Including 27% VAT:
172.59 € (69 900 HUF)
Net price (for non-EU customers):
135.90 € (55 039 HUF)
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  • 3 year manufacturer warranty
  • 2 years consumer warranty

Product code: STM4b-LED

STM4b-LED stereo microscope with 10x, 30x and 40x magnifications, LED illumination from below (not suitable for industrial work)

More about the product

The STM4c-LED stereo microscope provides 10x/20x/40x magnification with a standard bulb for upper and lower illumination. The STM-4C is recommended for both laboratory and field work. Achromatic objective lenses provide clear, sharp and contrasty images. The WF eyepiece has a field of view of 50 degrees.

The microscope head can be turned so that larger objects can be examined as well.

* specimen stage is a 96mm matte glass plate. A 96mm plastic disc (one side white, another one is black) is included
* slow motion distance 43mm
* inter-pupillary distance adjustable between 51 and 78mm
* diopter adjustment on the left eyepiece
* WF10x eyepiece
* depth of field is 5mm
* weights 3000g
* objective lenses: 1x, 2x, 4x
* magnification: 10x, 20x and 40x
* field of view is 18mm in diameter at 10x and 5mm at 40x
* working distance 48mm

Compatible with all standard 30.,5mm microscope eyepieces, many other eyepieces and even camera can be used.

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The product comes with 3 years warranty

The product comes with 2 years consumer warranty.

Recommended accessories

WF 15x eyepiece for stereo microscopes (30.5mm)
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Add to basket-10%66.44 €

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