STM3c stereo microscope (2/4x)

incl. 27% VAT

Including 27% VAT:
165.43 € (67 000 HUF)
Net price (for non-EU customers):
130.26 € (52 756 HUF)
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  • 3 year manufacturer warranty
  • 2 years consumer warranty

Product code: STM3c24

STM3c stereo microscope with 20x/40x magnifications and illumination from above/below (220V) (not suitable for industrial work)

More about the product

The STM-3C provides two different magnifications (10x and 30x or 20x and 40x) and upper and lower illumination. All optical elements are achromatic ones with anti-reflection coatings. The images are sharp even at the edges. Even larger objects can be examined.

* specimen stage is a 96mm matte glass plate. A 96mm plastic disc (one side white, other is black) is also included
* slow motion distance is 43mm
* inter-pupillary distance is adjustable between 51 and 78mm
* diopter setting on the left eyepiece
* WF 10x eyepiece
* LED lamps. Off, upper, lower and upper + lower
* depth of field: 5mm
* weights 2820g
* objective lenses: 1x and 3x (or 2x and 4x)
* magnification: 10x and 30x (with WF10x) or 20x and 40x
* field of view: 18mm in diameter at 10x, and 9mm at 30x (10mm at 20x and 5mm at 40x)
* working distance: 45mm (57mm if 20x/40x is used)


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STM3c stereo microscope with 20x/40x magnifications and illumination from above/below (220V) (not suitable for industrial work)
STM3c stereo microscope with 20x/40x magnifications and illumination from above/below (220V) (not suitable for industrial work)

A mikroszkóp kétféle nagyítással (10x és 30x vagy 20x és 40x) rendelkezik, nekem a 20x/40x van. Előnye a kifordítható fej, ami miatt nagyobb mintákat is alá tudok tenni, a nagyon jó képalkotás, és a masszív felépítés.


A világítás kissé kevés a 40x-nél.


Ásványok vizsgálatára használom, az átlátszó, áttetsző köveket alsó megvilágítással nézem, de ilyenkor sok a felesleges fény. Összességében véve ár/érték arányban nagyon jó választás, a 45 fokban döntött fej megkönnyíti a betekintést, kényelmes.

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The product comes with 3 years warranty

The product comes with 2 years consumer warranty.

Recommended accessories

1.3MP MicroQ digital microscope eyepiece (CMOS, colour)
Stock avalability
Please contact our colleagues before ordering: +36-1-202-5651
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Under procurement
Delivery:Under procurement
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Limited stock (1 piece). Please contact our colleagues before ordering: +36-1-202-5651
Delivery:Available for delivery
Bp. shop:Limited stock
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You are eligible for accessory discount only when purchased tugether with a main product.

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