Dovetail for EQ5 head

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Including 27% VAT:
14.81 € (6 000 HUF)
Net price (for non-EU customers):
11.66 € (4 724 HUF)
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Product code: SINeq5k

Dovetail for EQ5 head (for tube rings)

More about the product

Dovetail bars might be slightly different from different manufacturers. 

The Vixen-type bars are 43 mm wide, available with different length and design. They are compatible with the smaller mounts from Sky-Watcher and Celestron, or ZWO.

The Losmandy-type dovetail bars are 76 mm wide, and the larger mounts can be accepted, like EQ6 and up (from SkyWatcher).


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Recommended accessories

Combined clutch for both Losmandy and Vixen/Synta mounts (length 18cm, max. load 40kg)
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