Samples on microscope slides (100 pieces, all are different)

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Product code: Prep100

Samples on microscope slides (100 pieces, all are different)

A set of 100 high quality biological preparations packed in a varnished wooden box. The kit contains both plant and animal tissues.

Full list of preparations:

1. Three types of bacteria

2. Penicillin

3. Aspergillus

4. Rhizopus - a fungus

5. Actinomycetes (Actinomyces)

6. Wroternia

7. Diatoms

8. Closterium - algae

9. The twist

10. Conjugation of turnouts

11. Lichen

12. Fern leaf

13. Fern ferns

14. Leaf of flower jasmine

15. Dipper stem

16. Leaf of the wetland

17. Pine needle

18. Male sporangic ear of pine

19. Female sporangic ear of pine

20. Rubber leaf

21. A growth cone on the tip of a maize root

22. Young broad bean root

23. Corn stalk (1)

24. Corn stalk (2)

25. Pumpkin stalk (1)

26. Pumpkin stalk (2)

27. Sunflower stalk

28. Anther of moss

29. Rodnia moss

30. Tangle of moss

31. Trunk of linden (1)

32. Linden trunk (2)

33. Stem of geraniums

34. Bean leaf

35. Germinating flower pollen

36. Flower pollen (2)

37. Tomato fruit

38. Aerial root of the orchid

39. Mitosis of onion growth cone cells

40. Corn kernels with endosperm

41. Plasmodesma

42. Lily plant

43. Anther of lilies

44. Lily leaf

45. Common Tasnik (embryo)

46. ​​Common Tasznik (young embryo)

47. Garlic peel

48. Euglena

49. Paramecium ciliate

50. Stułbia (1)

51. Stułbia (2)

52. Płaziniec

53. Schistosoma (blood fluke - male)

54. Schistosoma (blood fluke - female)

55. Worm (male and female)

56. Earthworm

57. Snake skin

58. Rowing machine

59. Roller skate

60. Female mosquito mouthparts

61. Honeybee mouthparts

62. Rear legs of the honey bee

63. Butterfly mouth apparatus

64. Flies mouthparts

65. Cricket mouth

66. Ant

67. Fish scale

68. Płaziniec

69. Cricket trachea

70. Mollusc gills

71. Swab for human blood

72. Fish blood swab

73. Ciliary epithelium

74. Flat epithelium

75. Multilayer epithelium

76. Mitosis in the roundworm eggs

77. Small intestine

78. Bone tissue

79. Dog tendon

80. Connective tissue

81. Skeletal muscle

82. Cardiac muscle

83. Spinal cord

84. Motor nerve

85. Smooth muscle in the contraction phase

86. Lung

87. Stomach

88. Liver

89. Lymph node

90. Rat lung with stained blood vessels

91. Kidney rat with stained blood vessels

92. Rat kidney

93. Testicles

94. Cat's ovary

95. Human multilayer epithelium

96. DNA, RNA

97. Mitochondria in the pancreatic gland

98. Golgi apparatus in the frog egg

99. Human Y chromosomes

100. Human X chromosomes

More about the product

Specimens with two language (Hungarian and German) instructions. The collection contains items carefully selected after extensive discussion with experts and our customers. Different kits come soon, for example forestry series (different trees), civisation sicknesses (smoking and lungs( and embiology (the evolution of a chicken in an egg with 12 hours steps).

Raw materials: potato-starch, yeast, fresh milk, milk, cheese-bacteria, soyabean meal

Snail: different tissues and muscle cells, stomach and digestive grandulae, heart and kidneys, lung, eye with retina

Blood and vascular system: human blood, rabbit blood, cat blood, rat blood, frog blood, chicken blood, carp blood, bone-marrow, venas and arteriae, mice heart.

Different paper types: filter paper, pergament, safety paper, cigaretta paper, japanese rice paper, WC/paper, traditional chinese paper

Chromosomes: eelworm, onion, liliom, narcissus, field bean. Grasshopper's testicle. Human chromosomes (male and female). Fruit-fly.

Cancers and tumors: liver cancer, primer and secunder, lung cancer, stomach cancer, thyroid cancer, skin cancer, melanmoia, breast cancer. Other tumors. 

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The product comes with 2 years consumer warranty.

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