12V 1A power supply

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Including 27% VAT:
13.33 € (5 400 HUF)
Net price (for non-EU customers):
10.50 € (4 252 HUF)
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Product code: Power12v1A

12V 1A power supply

More about the product

Modern GoTo mount's electronics are sensitive to power supplies. These mounts consume a few Ampers when both of the drives are working so a power supply capable to provide necessary current.

Experience shows that most of the available power supply devices can't provide their nominal power, so it is better to choose one with higher current. Our 12V 5A device has 5,1mm plug, so it is capable to power EQ3 Goto, EQ5 Goto, HEQ5 Goto, EQ6 Pro Goto and azimuthal ones like Star Discovery, AZGTi/e and AZ-Goto Dobsonian mounts.

Stab4 power supply has zigarette lighter mount, so you can use the factory power cable comes with the most mounts. It best fit to the mounts comes with special power plugs, like AZ-EQ5, EQ6-R, AZ-EQ6, and EQ8 mounts, but can be use for the other Goto mounts with their supplied power cables as well.

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