ALCCD QHY PoleMaster - Elektronic Polar Finder without mounting adapter
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Product code: Polemaster
ALCCD QHY PoleMaster electronic polar finder without mounting adapter (adapters available for EQ5, HEQ5, EQ6, EQ8, AS-VX or Losmandy G11, GM8 mounts - separately sold)
More about the product
As any seasoned astroimager would agree, achieving good polar alignment is not an easy task. One may spend hours under precious dark sky trying to get that perfect polar alignment, but at the end one often does not know whether good alignment has in fact been achieved. Even after you have obtained good alignment, a gentle knock on the mount may send the polar alignment off and one may no other choice but to start from scratch again. With an hour here and an hour there trying to get polar aligned, it would be dawn and time to pack up the gears…
Now there is a great solution to this age-old problem that is polar alignment - PoleMaster. PoleMaster is an innovative product pioneered by QHYCCD to relieve the pain of polar alignment. With PoleMaster and following a few simple, easy-to-follow steps, you can achieve that perfect polar alignment in 2-3 minutes, with an accuracy of up to 30 arc seconds.
How does PoleMaster work? Well, the idea is actually fairly simple. You find out where the pole is, then determine the mechanical axis of rotation of your mount and finally make the two coincide. While the idea is simple, this has not been implemented in a commercial product - until now. PoleMaster makes use of a super sensitive wide field imaging camera along the axis of RA to monitor the polar region in real time (so not only it can detect Polaris but also the dimmer stars surrounding). From the positions of these stars PoleMaster can determine the position of the true pole and compare that to the mechanical axis of RA rotation. Polar alignment is now a simple matter of moving the two centres of rotation so they overlap. Piece of cake!
In comparison with other polar alignment techniques, PoleMaster has the following advantage:
1. Speed and convenience:
With PoleMaster you do not need to move the telescope to specific place just so to unblock the polar scope. You do not need to kneel or contort your body to look through the polar scope. You do not need to fully dark adapt just to see the pole star. You do not need to level your mount. You do not need to worry about the entering the date and time in your handset and figure out where to rotate the mount to coincide with the current pole star position.
2. Accuracy:
With a high precision camera, one can achieve accuracy not achievable with naked eye. As the imaging camera in PoleMaster has a resolution of 30 arc second, the best polar alignment that can be achieved by PoleMaster is also in the order of 30 arc seconds.
3. Wide angle view of the polar region:
A wide field of view of 11x8 degree makes it super easy to locate the pole star
4. Easy to install:
PoleMaster can be easily installed onto any equatorial mount through mount-specific adapters, even on mount without polar scope.
5. Real time polar alignment checking / adjustment:
By using PoleMaster you can monitor your polar alignment in real time. In the event that polar alignment is lost, it is now a simple matter to bring it back without having to start from scratch.
6. Three star alignment no longer needed:
Once you are polar aligned, you will only need to perform one star alignment - a real time saver.
7. Perfect companion to single axis mounts:
When used with single (RA-only) axis mount, good polar alignment will minimise drift in the DEC axis therefore maximising the performance of your mount.
Bánhidi's opinion
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ALCCD QHY PoleMaster electronic polar finder without mounting adapter (adapters available for EQ5, HEQ5, EQ6, EQ8, AS-VX or Losmandy G11, GM8 mounts - separately sold)
EQ8-on használom. Nagyon rövid idő alatt, rendkívül precíz pólusra állást tesz lehetővé. A szoftvere végig vezet a folyamaton, nem lehet eltéveszteni. Elvileg úgy érkezik, hogy az optikai tengelye merőleges a felfogatási síkra. Ezt tanúsítom.
Igazából NEM hátrány, de megemlítem. A micro USB dugót jól bele kell "préselni" a kamera csatijába. Egyébként nincs érintkezés. Ha más is így járna, ne ijedjen meg. Kellő körültekintéssel járjon el és működni fog.
Kisebb mint a pólustávcső, de annál erőteljesebb. Gyors, pontos beállítás és foglalkozhatunk az égbolttal. Csak ajánlani tudom.
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