10x handheld magnifying glass with UV LED bulbs

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Including 27% VAT:
25.68 € (10 400 HUF)
Net price (for non-EU customers):
20.22 € (8 189 HUF)
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  • 1 year warranty
  • 2 years consumer warranty

Product code: Lupe-led03-30uv

10x handheld magnifying glass with 3 UV LED bulbs (diameter 30mm)

More about the product

10x magnification with 3 LEDs. Lens diameter is 30mm, with buil-in scale 20x20 mm (Lupe-led03-30): The working distance is 5 cm. Requires two AA battery and lights the field with 2170 lux. The scale has 0.5 mm grade.

3,5x magnification with  8 LEDs. Lens diameter is 54 mm (Lupe-led08-62): The medium size magnification fits to the medium size lens diameter. Requires two AA type batteries. The switch has two stage, the light with four LEDs is 150 lux, with 8 LEDs is 300 lux at the proper working distance.

2x magnification with 12 LEDs. Lens diameter is 84mm (Lupe-led12-90): There is a small 20 mm diameter separate lens on the side of the huge 2x magnifier that gives 4x magnification. Requires two AA type batteries. The switch has two stage, the light with six LEDs is 120 lux, with 12 LEDs is 240 lux at the proper working distance.


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The product comes with 2 years consumer warranty.

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Battery AA type
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