LUNT LS80MT/B1200R&P Multipurpose Telescope

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7 811.11
Including 27% VAT:
7 811.11 € (3 163 500 HUF)
Net price (for non-EU customers):
6 150.48 € (2 490 945 HUF)
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  • 2 year manufacturer warranty
  • 3 years consumer warranty

Product code: LS80THa-B1200

LUNT LS80MT/B1200R&P Multipurpose APO Telescope for Sun + Night-Sky (0551324)

More about the product

Modular designed multipurpose telescope, both for observing the sun in the H-alpha wavelength, as well as for night sky observations. Easy conversion between the different applications with a few simple steps. 2-lens ED Apo telescope with FPL-53 glass, 80mm aperture and 560mm focal length - very good image quality for H-Alpha solar observation and also for observing the starry sky at night.

With innovative air pressure tuning system, 2 inch (50.8mm) Crayford focuser, and B1200 blocking filter.

Solar observing in H-alpha:
The LS80MT/B1200 is a complete telescope for observing the sun in H-alpha light, with 80mm free aperture (no central obstruction) and 560mm focal length. The H-alpha wavelength is the most impressive way to observe the sun, showing protuberances at the sun's edge, filaments and flares on the surface, and much more. An internal Etalon filter achieves a bandwidth of <0.7 Angstrom with the innovative air pressure tuning system Pressure-Tuner. Tuning is done by slightly changing the air pressure in a pressure chamber inside the telescope. This changes the refractive index of the air, making it easy to tune to the H-alpha line. The pressure tuner guarantees a homogeneous image, without central obstruction, and a permanently protected Etalon without erosion. A set of collimating lenses installed in the telescope ensures best performance.
Fine adjustment is achieved with a 2 inch Crayford focuser with 10:1 reduction.
Blocking-filter is the B1200. The B1200 is good for visual solar observing. Also solar imaging is possible by cameras with small sensor chip. We recommend a LS80MT with B1800 blocking-filter by using cameras with large sized sensor chips.
The star diagonal in which the blocking filter is installed, is equipped as standard for 1.25 inch eyepieces and with a T2 camera connection.

Observing the starry night sky:
The H-Alpha Etalon system can be removed from the telescope in a few easy steps thanks to its modular design. With the additionally available conversion kit (item number 0551330) the 2-lens ED Apo refractor can then be used as a normal telescope with 80mm aperture and 560mm focal length for observation and photography of the night sky. The FPL-53 doublet lens offers an low colour aberration image. Common 2 inch star diagonals can be used at the high quality R&P focuser of the conversion kit 0551330.
Please note that the optionally available conversion kit 0551330 is absolutely necessary if the telescope should be used at night.

More applications:
With additionally available accessories the LS80MT offers even more possibilities!
- Double-Stack
The LS80MT telescope can optionally be upgraded with the additionally available double-stack module DSII/SFPT (item number 0551395). The DSII system is a internal double-stack module. Thereby a bandwidth of <0.5 Angstrom is achieved for H-alpha solar observation. Therefore much more details on the solar surface will become visible.
- Solar observing in White-Light
If the H-alpha unit has been removed, of course either a sun filter to be installed in front of the objective, or a Herschel-wedge at the focuser can be used to observe the sunspots in White-Light.
- Solar observing in Ca-K wavelength
Certainly, the Ca-K filter modules from Lunt Solar Systems can also be used at the LS80MT to observe and photograph super-granulation and other effects visible in this wavelength on the sun.

This makes the LS80MT a completely universal usable ED Apo telescope of very good quality!


  • 2-lens ED APO refractor, FPL-53
  • Aperture: 80mm (no central obstruction)
  • Focal length: 560mm
  • Bandwidth: internal Etalon with <0.7 Angstrom
  • Tuning: air pressure tuning system Pressure-Tuner
  • Blocking filter: B1200 with 1.25" and T2 connection
  • Focuser: Crayford with 10:1 reduction
  • Two tube-ring with handle
  • Sol-Searcher installed inside handle
  • Dovetail bar at GP-level for astronomical mounts
  • Weight: 4.95kg
  • Length with blocking filter and dew-shield: 62cm
  • Length without blocking filter and removed dew-shield: 50cm


  • LS80MT Multipurpose Telescope
  • Pressure-Tuner
  • B1200 blocking filter in star-diagonal housing
  • 2 inch Crayford focuser with 10:1 reduction
  • Tube rings with dovetail bar and sol-searcher
  • Transport case (78x33x23cm)
  • Instruction manual

Conversion kit for observation of the starry night sky (0551330) not included!

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The product comes with 2 years warranty (excluding electric parts)

The product comes with 3 years consumer warranty.

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