Lunt 60mm Double Stack Etalon Filter

incl. 27% VAT

3 148.15
Including 27% VAT:
3 148.15 € (1 275 000 HUF)
Net price (for non-EU customers):
2 478.86 € (1 003 937 HUF)
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  • 2 year manufacturer warranty
  • 3 years consumer warranty

Product code: LS60FHa

Lunt 60mm Double Stack Etalon Filter for Solar Observation

More about the product

These H-alpha Filters are designed to retrofit your astronomical telescope for observing the sun during the day. Several filter sizes can be matched with an adapter-plate to the existing scope aperture. Systems include front mounted Etalon filter and the required rear mounted 50.8 mm (2") or 31.7 mm (1.25") blocking filter.

H-alpha Solar Filters

With the H-alpha filters from Lunt Solar Systems you can upgrade normal astronomical telescopes for observing the sun during the daylight. The systems includes an Etalon filter for front mounting on the telescope and a blocking filter for the focuser. There is a large assortment of adapter plates for different telescopes available for the front mounting of the H-alpha filter. The blocking filters are installed in star diagonals, available alternatively for 1.25” or 2” focuser. These star diagonals are equipped with a reception for 1.25” eyepieces and a T2-connection for cameras on the eyepiece side. Which blocking filter size is the right one depends on the focal length of your telescope and the planned application. The B600 could be used visual at telescopes up to 540 mm focal length, the B1200 up to 1080 mm, the B1800 up to 1620 mm, and the B3400 up to 2880 mm focal length. If you want to image the sun, it will be better to use the next larger blocking filter.

LS50FHa: H-alpha filter systems with 50 mm aperture and <0.75 Angstrom bandwidth. Adding an additional available double stack Etalon system will reduce the bandwidth to <0.55 Angstrom..

LS60FHa: These filters provide a bandwidth of <0.75 Angstrom as well, but due to the larger aperture of 60 mm there is more resolution than the LS50FHa. Certainly double stacking is usable to reduce the bandwidth to <0.55 Angstrom.

LS1000FHa: With 100 mm free aperture and <0.7 Angstrom bandwidth these large filters will show an unexpected wealth of details to the ambitious solar observer. And even these most demanding sufficient quality could be increased with a double stack filter again, the bandwidth then will be <0.5 Angstrom.

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