LUNT 100mm H-alpha Telescope with pressure tuner

incl. 27% VAT

11 440.74
Including 27% VAT:
11 440.74 € (4 633 500 HUF)
Net price (for non-EU customers):
9 008.46 € (3 648 425 HUF)
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  • 2 year manufacturer warranty
  • 3 years consumer warranty

Product code: LS100THa-B1200

LUNT 100mm H-alpha Telescope with B1200 blocking filter, pressure tuner and Crayford focuser

More about the product

The LS100THa is a complete H-alpha Solar Telescope with a 100 mm aperture (no obstruction!) and 714 mm focal length. An internal etalon with new air-pressure tuning system adjustment allows for a <0.7 Angstrom bandwidth. This "Pressure Tuner" system allows a better Etalon adjustment than other systems. The “Pressure Tuner” system adapted the Etalon to varying altitudes and atmospheric pressures for always optimal performance.
Blocking filter is the B1200. The star diagonal in which the blocking filter is installed, is equipped as standard for 1.25" eyepieces and with a T2 camera connection. Focusing is achieved with a high precision Starlight Instruments 2" Feather Touch focuser with 10:1 reduction as standard equipment.
Addionally the system may also be purchased with the optional available 100mm external, front mounted Double Stack Etalon LS100FHa, or with the new internal DSII Double Stack system, for a bandwidth of <0.5 Angstrom.

Technical data:
Aperture: 100 mm
Focal length: 714 mm
Bandwidth: <0.7 Angstrom
Tuning: air-pressure tuning system
Blocking Filter: B1200 with 1.25" and T2 connection
Focuser: Starlight Instruments Feather Touch with 10:1 reduction
Weight: 6.6 kg
Length: 62 cm

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The product comes with 2 years warranty (excluding electric parts)

The product comes with 3 years consumer warranty.

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