William Optics RedCat 51 Flatfield APO 51/250 mm f/4,9
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Product code: L-RC51
William Optics RedCat 51 Flatfield APO 51/250 mm f/4,9
More about the product
The new version comes with a
- built-in tilting device
- new mounting ring
- longer, Vixen Compatible dovetail bar
- focusing index
- (the CAT saddle Handle-Bar is still optional, available separately)
From the beginning, the goal was to create the best possible design for an affordable, small, lightweight and fast Apochromatic refractor for astro photography needs.
The unique optical design includes the highest quality glass for the best possible colour correction and flat field. The result is a 51mm objective lens, in a sleek Petzval design, using Synthetic Flouride (FPL53 and FPL51) glass for a full frame flat field image.
The optical quality provides exceptional performance at a fast focal ratio of f/4.9.
The premium quality red finish and calibrated helical focuser offers high-quality appearance.
The lens tube includes a specially designed base that provides light but solid mounting options, including a reversible base plate for either Vixen-style or Arca-Swiss mounting.
The Bahtinov mask, built into the cover helps to achieve perfect optical focus.
- Lens Type: Prime Lens
- Focal Length: 250mm
- Aperture: 51mm
- Focal Ratio: f/4.9
- Camera Format (compatibility): APS-C, Full Frame
- Max Image Circle: Full Frame
- Focus Mode: Manual Focus
- Lens Structure: Petzval (4 elements in three groups)
- Dimensions: 225mm x 80mm x 80mm
- Weight: 1.47kg
- Interchangeable T-mounts: Canon EF, Nikon F, Sony E, Pentax, Micro Four Thirds
Kardos Balázs's opinion
After a few weeks, months of usage
Optical quality
Mechanical quality
Price/Value ratio

William Optics RedCat 51 Flatfield APO 51/250 mm f/4,9
Remek kidolgozás, nem kell hozzá flattener, nem kell ügyelni a backfocusra.
Nem kapható itthon hozzá fókusz motor tartó, bár gondolom sokat nem adnak el a tubusból sem.
Nagyon jó nagy látószögű tubus. Mind a mechanikai kidolgozása, mind a képalkotása számomra teljesen rendben van. Nincs hozzá szükség semmi plusszra. Harmatsapka, bathinov maszk, field rotator, flattener, tilt adapter, minden benne van, ami a fotózáshoz kellhet. Ez a második ilyen tubusom, sajnos az elsőt eladtam. Meg is bántam ezért vettem mégegyet :)
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5, based on 3 reviews
Optical quality
5, based on 1 reviews
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5, based on 1 reviews
Price/Value ratio
5, based on 1 reviews

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