Aplanatic Super coma corrector (for f/4 and f/5 Newtonians)

incl. 27% VAT

Including 27% VAT:
301.73 € (122 200 HUF)
Net price (for non-EU customers):
237.58 € (96 220 HUF)
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  • 1 year manufacturer warranty
  • 2 years consumer warranty

Product code: KomakorrF4

Aplanatic Super coma corrector (for f/4 and f/5 Newtonians)

More about the product

 The most problem of common coma correctors that even if they improve the coma on the edges, but makes spherical aberration at the center, what degrades image sharpness and resolution. This new coma corrector has 4 lenses, 2\" size. Does not give any additional optical defect on the image (for example does not have interior reflections on surfaces that reach the image).

The focal point remain on the same place, so with a M48 adapter you can easily attach your Canon or Nikon camera. On the botoom there is a standard filter thread.

The optimal image quality depends on your telescope\'s focal length. In the below you can find the optimal distance from the M48 edge of coma corrector to the sensor.

telescope focal length corrector-CCD distance
600mm 52,2mm
800mm 54,2mm
1000mm 55,5mm
1200mm 55,2mm
1600mm 55,2mm


The standard M48-EOS adapter has 55.2 mm distance with Canon-EOS cameras. We also have 54.2 mm adapter for 800 mm focal length, if you need that, please advise.

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Aplanatic Super coma corrector (for f/4 and f/5 Newtonians)
Aplanatic Super coma corrector (for f/4 and f/5 Newtonians)

Már régóta vártunk egy kiváló minőségű, fókuszt nem növelő, ugyan akkor elfogadható árú korrektorra F/4-es rendszerekhez. Ez a korrektor ennek abszolút megfelel. Nem mellesleg magyar tervezésű az optika.


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The product comes with 1 year warranty.

The product comes with 2 years consumer warranty.

Recommended accessories

M48 adaptor to T2 (M48 inside, T2 outside, light pass 5 mm)
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Bayonett adaptor M48x0.75 (internal thread) to Canon EOS
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Add to basket26.42 €
Bayonett adaptor M48 (internal thread) to Nikon bayonett
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Add to basket26.42 €
Bayonett adaptor M48 (internal thread) to Minolta A (Maxxum) or Sony A mount bayonett
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Add to basket26.42 €

You are eligible for accessory discount only when purchased tugether with a main product.


5.0/5, based on 3 reviews

Optical quality

5.0/5, based on 1 reviews

Mechanical quality

5.0/5, based on 1 reviews

Price/Value ratio

5.0/5, based on 1 reviews

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