Polar Illuminator for EQ3-2/EQ5 polarscope

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32.37 € (12 300 HUF)
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25.49 € (9 685 HUF)
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  • 1 year warranty
  • 2 years consumer warranty

Product code: ILLpartPolar

Polar Illuminator for EQ3-2/EQ5 polarscope

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Polar Illuminator for EQ3-2/EQ5 polarscope
Polar Illuminator for EQ3-2/EQ5 polarscope

Tökéletes pólusra állás sötétben.




Jó a termék tudja amit kell ennyi.

's opinion

After a few weeks, months of usage

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Price/Value ratio

Polar Illuminator for EQ3-2/EQ5 polarscope
Polar Illuminator for EQ3-2/EQ5 polarscope

Although it can be done in a DIY fashion, this is compact and lightweight and saves time. It's necessary to illuminate the view.


It doesn't sit safely inside the mount hole and could pop out at slight disturbance, and that's the greatest issue. It has no switch, only a potentiometer so it can't be completely turned off. However, since power is very low at lowest setting, and only a small LED is draining it, lithium button cell inside still works after several months.


Considering all the disadvantages, it could be cheaper, but I'm still happy with the purchase.

's opinion

After a few weeks, months of usage

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Polar Illuminator for EQ3-2/EQ5 polarscope
Polar Illuminator for EQ3-2/EQ5 polarscope

EQ-5 mechanikánál veszem igénybe. Minden alkalomkor használom.Jó megvilágítást biztosít.


Kicsik a rögzítő fülek kialakítása,könnyen kiesik a helyéről.Nem lehet,teljesen áramtalanítani ,De minimális a led fogyasztása,ez pozitív.


Nagyon jó ,a kisebb hibákat levonva.Csak ajánlani tudom ,mindazoknak kinek nincs megviláglátott pólustávcsöve.

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The product comes with 2 years consumer warranty.

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5.0/5, based on 2 reviews

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4.3/5, based on 3 reviews

Price/Value ratio

4.0/5, based on 3 reviews

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