12mm GSO Plössl

incl. 27% VAT

Including 27% VAT:
30.86 € (12 500 HUF)
Net price (for non-EU customers):
24.30 € (9 843 HUF)
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  • 2 year manufacturer warranty
  • 2 years consumer warranty

Product code: GSP12

12mm GSO Plössl

The Plossl design is one of the most popular ones thanks to its good quality and good price. The lenses are larger than the ones in the orthoscopic eyepieces and provide larger field of view with longer eye relief. The image is slightly less contrasty than in the orthoscopic ones. The 20-25mm Plossls have lenses big enough to use them with compact digital cameras. All we need is a photo adaptor that can be attached onto the eyepiece.

The GSO Plossls are well corrected, quite similar to Sky-Watcher Plossl but are available in slightly different focal lengths and provide somehwat more contrasy images. These eyepieces are among the best ones in their price range. The eyepieces provide 96.4% light transmission on average but the maximum transmission around orange wavelengths is over 98%.


More about the product

The Plossl design is one of the most popular ones thanks to its good quality and good price. The lenses are larger than the ones in the orthoscopic eyepieces and provide larger field of view with longer eye relief. The image is slightly less contrasty than in the orthoscopic ones. The 20-25mm Plossls have lenses big enough to use them with compact digital cameras. All we need is a photo adaptor that can be attached onto the eyepiece.

The GSO Plossls are well corrected, quite similar to Sky-Watcher Plossl but are available in slightly different focal lengths and provide somehwat more contrasy images. These eyepieces are among the best ones in their price range. The eyepieces provide 96.4% light transmission on average but the maximum transmission around orange wavelengths is over 98%.


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The product comes with 2 years warranty (excluding electric parts)

The product comes with 2 years consumer warranty.

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