EQ-3 mount on steel tripod

incl. 27% VAT

Including 27% VAT:
311.85 € (126 300 HUF)
Net price (for non-EU customers):
245.55 € (99 449 HUF)
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  • 3 year manufacturer warranty
  • 2 years consumer warranty

Product code: EQ3deLux

EQ-3 mount on steel tripod

More about the product

A robust mount for middle sized amateur telescopes which can be equipped with many useful accessories. Recommended for telescopes with diameters between 10-15 cm. Provides slow motion controls on both axes. A single axis clock drive or a dual axis motor drive can be mounted, or can be equipped with GoTo capable drives as well (contains 42900 objects). For exact polar alignment a polar scope can be installed.

The tripod legs are 65mm aluminium legs that can be extended to 100-155 cm heigth. Maximum load is about 6-7 kg. The EQ3 delux mount comes with steel tripod, which is much more robust and maximum load is about 8-9 kg.


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EQ-3 mount on steel tripod
EQ-3 mount on steel tripod

Még a könnyen hordozható kategóriába tartozik, bár nem a legkönnyebb.


Nem tapasztaltam 1 év használat után.


127/1500 MC alatt használom a mechanikát. A könnyű tubus alá már már túlméretezett acél lábbal, de nagyon nagyon stabil. Még 250x nagyításon sincs remegés fókuszáláskor. Hibát nem tapasztaltam a használata során. Előtte eq2 t használtam egy 90mm lencsés távcsővel. Az eq2 után szinte megváltás .

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The product comes with 3 years warranty

The product comes with 2 years consumer warranty.

Recommended accessories

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Limited stock (1 piece). Please contact our colleagues before ordering: +36-1-202-5651
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Transport bag for complete EQ3 or AZGT mounts (size: 82x32x28 cm)
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Limited stock (1 piece). Please contact our colleagues before ordering: +36-1-202-5651
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You are eligible for accessory discount only when purchased tugether with a main product.

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5.0/5, based on 2 reviews

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5.0/5, based on 1 reviews

Price/Value ratio

5.0/5, based on 1 reviews

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