Delta Optical Titanium 4-24x50 HD SFP 4A S

940.74 €

incl. 27% VAT

Including 27% VAT:
846.67 € (342 900 HUF)
Net price (for non-EU customers):
666.67 € (270 000 HUF)
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  • 10 year manufacturer warranty
  • 3 years consumer warranty

Product code: DO4-24x504A

Delta Optical Titanium 4-24x50 HD SFP 4A S

There are two reticles for your consideration – 4A S or 4A SB. The last one (4A SB) with specially designed ballistic markers. The markers are located under the central illuminated dot, the distance between each marker is 7cm. They allow making quick and fine adjustments when shooting at distances from 150 to 300m with initial velocity of 800-900 m/s. The 4A SB reticle is calibrated for the magnification of 12x and a distance of 100m.

4-24x50 riflescope is a multi-purpose riflescope for both long-distance shooters and hunters alike. Sufficient magnification range makes this riflescope practical for many hunters across all continents. The parallax adjustment side-knob with the range from 10m to infinity will be greatly appreciated by sports shooters.

More about the product

There are two reticles for your consideration – 4A S or 4A SB. The last one (4A SB) with specially designed ballistic markers. The markers are located under the central illuminated dot, the distance between each marker is 7cm. They allow making quick and fine adjustments when shooting at distances from 150 to 300m with initial velocity of 800-900 m/s. The 4A SB reticle is calibrated for the magnification of 12x and a distance of 100m.

4-24x50 riflescope is a multi-purpose riflescope for both long-distance shooters and hunters alike. Sufficient magnification range makes this riflescope practical for many hunters across all continents. The parallax adjustment side-knob with the range from 10m to infinity will be greatly appreciated by sports shooters.

Product code DO4-24x504A
objektív átmérő 50 mm
kilépő pupilla 7,6 - 2,1 mm
pupillatávolság 80-98 mm
látómező 9,3 - 1,5 m/100m
látómező (szög) 5,33–0,86 fok
szürkületi érték 14,14 - 34,64
irányzék 4A-S vagy 4A-SB
megvilágítható szálkereszt igen
közelpont 10 m
hossz 360 mm
tubus átmérő 30 mm
töltő gáz nitrogén
bevonat FMC
találatpont állítás kattintásonként 0,25 MOA = 7 mm/100m
középpont átmérője (100 méteren) 5,2 mm
lőállóság 6500 J
vízállóság 0,3 kg/cm2
hőmérsékleti tartomány -20 — +71 között
tömeg 678 g
jótállás 10 év

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Delta Optical Titanium 4-24x50 HD SFP 4A S
Delta Optical Titanium 4-24x50 HD SFP 4A S

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The product comes with 10 years warranty (excluding the electronical parts).

The product comes with 3 years consumer warranty.

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