2" Crayford focuser for Refractor

incl. 27% VAT

Including 27% VAT:
103.70 € (42 000 HUF)
Net price (for non-EU customers):
81.65 € (33 071 HUF)
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Limited stock (1 piece). Please contact our colleagues before ordering: +36-1-202-5651
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  • 1 year manufacturer warranty
  • 2 years consumer warranty

Product code: CRr

2" Crayford focuser for Refractor with 31.7mm adaptor

Original SkyWatcher 2" Crayford focuser, fits directly to a tube inner diameter with 97 mm. Compatible with SkyWatcher Black Diamond ED models (Evostar) 80/600 ED, 100/900 ED, 120/900, 150/1200, and Explorer 102/1000, 120/1000, 150/1200, or Travel 102/500, 120/600 és 150/750 refracting telescopes.

More about the product

These focusers are excellent in quality and are recommended for both visual or photographical observations. They can support eyepieces and even more heavy cameras with additional optical elements. All models are adjustable.


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The product comes with 1 year warranty.

The product comes with 2 years consumer warranty.

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