Baader UHC-S deepsky filter (1.25")
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87.16 € (35 300 HUF)Net price (for non-EU customers):
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Product code: BaUHC
Baader UHC-S / L-Booster-Filter 1¼" with Low Profile Filter Cell (LPFC)
More about the product
The UHC filters are general purpose deepsky filters which blocks the light from Hg and Na lamps, but transmits all of important wavelengths, such as H-alpha, H-beta and O-III. UHC filters are available from many different manufacturers, checking the image below might help to choose the right one. As it is evident there is no such thing as UHC "standard". All of the filters transmits most of the light around H-alpha (656nm), Oxigen-III (501nm) and H-beta (485) lines.
There are wider and narrower filters. But what might be the difference between them in practice? It depends on heavily the selected targets.
A general rule is that the narrowed the transmission is the higher the contrast is, meaning that they work excellently for emission, planetary nebulae and supernova remnants. They don't work that well on objects with wider spectrum, like stellar clusters, galaxies, open- and globular clusters. To photograph these a wider transmission, light pollution reduction filters are recommended.
So: for emission and planetary nebulae, and supernova remnant use a narrowband filter, like Astronomik or Castell UHC.
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Baader UHC-S / L-Booster-Filter 1¼" with Low Profile Filter Cell (LPFC)
Szélesebb spektrum az OIII-nál, így annál szélesebb területen alkalmazható.
A szélesebb spektrum miatt lágyabb a kép, nem emeli ki annyira az objektumokat.
Erős felépítmény, könnyű csavargatni az okulárokba. Szélesebb spektumban dolgozik mint az OIII így több objektumra alkalmas annál, de így nem olyan erős rajzolatú. Már egy-két galaxisra is alkalmas. Pl az M33-ban a galaktikus ködöket szépen kiemeli, de a galaxist majdnem eltűnteti. Összességében aki megveszi, nem fog csalódni.
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The product comes with 2 years warranty (excluding electric parts)
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