Baader O-III deepsky filter (1.25")

incl. 27% VAT

Including 27% VAT:
98.52 € (39 900 HUF)
Net price (for non-EU customers):
77.57 € (31 417 HUF)
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Limited stock (1 piece). Please contact our colleagues before ordering: +36-1-202-5651
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Limited stock (1 piece). Please contact our colleagues before ordering: +36-1-202-5651
Delivery:Limited stock
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  • 2 year manufacturer warranty
  • 2 years consumer warranty

Product code: BaOIII

Baader 1¼" O III Filter, (10nm HBW) visual

More about the product

These filters transmit light only around the O-III wavelength. Recommended for supernova remnants and planetary nebulae but perform well on emission nebulae as well. In contrary to UHC filters these are not general-purpose deepsky filters. Perform well both visually and photographically.

The image below shows the transmission of different models. The best filter is the one where the transmission band is the narrowest, as this provest the highest contrast.


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The product comes with 2 years warranty (excluding electric parts)

The product comes with 2 years consumer warranty.

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