Baader LRGB Filterset – CMOS-optimized, 2"
incl. 27% VAT
Including 27% VAT:
512.89 € (194 900 HUF)Net price (for non-EU customers):
403.85 € (153 465 HUF)Stock avalability
Please contact our colleagues before ordering: +36-1-202-5651Budapest shop:
Under procurement- 2 year manufacturer warranty
- 2 years consumer warranty
Product code: BaLRGB2
LRGB 2" Filterset – CMOS-optimized
More about the product
A new line of Baader LRGBC filters now supplements the Baader narrowband emission line filters (H-beta/O III/H-alpha/S II)
With this addition, Baader offers the complete line of LRGBC plus the emission line filters H-alpha / S II / O III (plus H-beta) in unmatched quality grade, all being parfocal and made of precision optically polished glass.
Baader LRGBC-filters are available in the following sizes:
- 1 1/4"(w.cell mount)
- 2"(w.cell mount)
- 50.8 mm Diam.(unmounted)
- 50x50 mm Square (ummounted)
- 36 mm Diam.(unmounted)
- 65x65 mm Square (ummounted)
Mounted filters feature a glass thickness of 2mm, unmounted filters feature a thickness of 3 mm.
(Only Ø 36mm unmounted features a glass thickness of 2mm too)
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Kopernikusz kráter
Theophilus kráter és térsége
NGC 6888
Szaturnusz + hexagon
21P Giacobini-Zinner üstökös
NGC 185
NGC 147
M 74
41P/ Tuttle-Giacobini-Kresak
M1 - polárgram
Koratavaszi égbolt fulldome
Auriga szíve és az Elnath
Téli észlelés
Fejünk felett
Csillagos öblök
Messier 45 és LBN777
NGC1499 - Kalifornia köd wide
Buborék-köd (NGC 7635)
Selyemgubó-köd (IC 5146)
M33 - A Triangulum galaxis
The product comes with 2 years warranty (excluding electric parts)