Baader UV/IR-Cut / L-Filter – CMOS-optimized (1.25")

incl. 27% VAT

Including 27% VAT:
68.89 € (27 900 HUF)
Net price (for non-EU customers):
54.24 € (21 969 HUF)
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  • 2 year manufacturer warranty
  • 2 years consumer warranty

Product code: BaIRUV

Baader UV/IR Cut / CMOS L-Filter 1¼"

  • 1¼" x 2 mm Baader CMOS UV/IR-Cut (420 – 685 nm) Bandpass Filter, suitable from f/15 to f/1.8 – with 1¼" (28,5 mm) filter thread
  • Reflects harmful thermal radiation in the infrared spectral range
  • Provides 98% transmission over the entire visible spectrum from 420 - 685 nm
  • Prevents blurred star imaging with red-sensitive digital and CCD/CMOS cameras
  • Reflex-Blocker™ hard coated and planeoptically polished – with sealed coating edges (Life-Coat™)
  • Blackened edges all around, with filter-lead-side-indicator in the form of a telescope-sided black outer rim
  • Optimized for modern CMOS cameras, but likewise excellent for CCD camera technologies
  • Mounted in Baader Low Profile Filter Cell (LPFC) – 6 mm height

More about the product

The UV/IR cut filter is recommended in many cases:
- at least one lens is used in the light path which is not corrected to infrared light (most of the lenses are optimized for visible light)
- when taking images without an IR blocking filter in the camera
- when the Sun is still above the horizon or close to it (dawn/dusk lasts more in IR light)
- if there's a strong IR light source next to the target object

GSO's filter is affordably priced and provides 90% transmission.

Baader's filters have a transmission of 97% between 420 and 680nm.

Astronomik's IR blocking filter are similar to Baaders but filter for Canon EOS APS-C cameras are also available.

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The product comes with 2 years warranty (excluding electric parts)

The product comes with 2 years consumer warranty.

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