2x GSO achromatic Barlow with camera adapter (T2)

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Including 27% VAT:
30.12 € (12 200 HUF)
Net price (for non-EU customers):
23.72 € (9 606 HUF)
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  • 2 year manufacturer warranty
  • 2 years consumer warranty

Product code: B2Tg

2x GSO achromatic Barlow with camera adapter (T2)

More about the product

This 1.25" GSO Barlow is an Achromatic model, providing very small amount of chromatic aberration. In most of the cases its optical properties improves the image quality. The internal painting provides higher contrast compared to other models. Recommended from F/5 scopes.

An exceptional feature is that it provides a T2 thread on the eyepiece side. Using a DSLR makes the focal length approximately 2,5x times longer which might be ideal to image the Moon and planets.


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Price/Value ratio

2x GSO achromatic Barlow with camera adapter (T2)
2x GSO achromatic Barlow with camera adapter (T2)

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The product comes with 2 years warranty (excluding electric parts)

The product comes with 2 years consumer warranty.

5.0/5, based on 3 reviews

Optical quality

5.0/5, based on 1 reviews

Mechanical quality

5.0/5, based on 1 reviews

Price/Value ratio

5.0/5, based on 1 reviews

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