Aluminium Case For HEQ5 head

124.44 €

incl. 27% VAT

Including 27% VAT:
93.33 € (37 800 HUF)
Net price (for non-EU customers):
73.49 € (29 764 HUF)
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Limited stock (1 piece). Please contact our colleagues before ordering: +36-1-202-5651
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  • 1 year manufacturer warranty
  • 2 years consumer warranty

Product code: AluChq5

Aluminium Case For HEQ5 head

More about the product

 According the experiences, the condition of astronomical assessories heavily depends on transportation and storage, and much less on actual use.

These aluminium-made cases have interiors prepared for different mount heads.

Available for EQ3, EQ5, HEQ5 and EQ6 mounts.

's opinion

After a few weeks, months of usage

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Price/Value ratio

Aluminium Case For HEQ5 head
Aluminium Case For HEQ5 head

I emailed SkyWatcher in England about this case and they replied that it is no longer available! So, it was greatly appreciated that Budapest Telescope Center still had them in stock. I had a choice to either store my HEQ5 Pro in the cardboard box it was shipped in or buy this case. I bought the case and it is perfect. The fitting is a bit tight but that just means that the mount will not rattle around during transport. Payment was a bit confusing because Hungary is not part of the EU iDEAL system but once I received the banking instructions everything went perfectly.


There is really nothing wrong with this case. It is designed to store the HEQ5 mount. Nothing more and nothing less. It does what it is designed to do.


This case is a quality product for storing the HEQ5 mount. It is the right choice if your storage options are this case or the cardboard box the unit was shipped in - it has a nice handle that makes it much easier to pick up the loaded case. I would buy this product again from Budapest Telescope Center.

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The product comes with 1 year warranty.

The product comes with 2 years consumer warranty.

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5.0/5, based on 3 reviews

Optical quality

5.0/5, based on 1 reviews

Mechanical quality

5.0/5, based on 1 reviews

Price/Value ratio

5.0/5, based on 1 reviews

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