SkyWatcher AZGTIX Mount head only

incl. 27% VAT

Including 27% VAT:
459.21 € (174 500 HUF)
Net price (for non-EU customers):
361.58 € (137 402 HUF)
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  • 1 year warranty
  • 2 years consumer warranty

Product code: AZGTIXhead

SkyWatcher AZGTIX Mount head only

More about the product

The SkyWatcher AZ-GTiX mount allows you to build up to two instruments at the same time, so you can watch with two types of telescopes - from one mount. We also have the option of attaching a camera to one side, so we can capture the view immediately. Extremely compact, motor-driven azimuthal GoTo mount, which can be controlled with a smartphone (or tablet) via a Wi-Fi connection, for which the free SynScan Pro application is available. But it can also be used with the SynScan GoTo hand control, but this is not included. In addition to motorized movement, we also have the option to set the objects manually. Thanks to the "Freedom Find" dual encoder technology, manual movement of the mount can also be used after training and automation. The built-in encoders continuously see the position of the mount even during movement, so you can switch between automatic and manual object search at any time without losing the position, and the clockwork function remains active all the time.

The two telescopes are fixed with a standard Vixen standard dovetail, the mount head is connected to the leg with a standard 3/8" photo thread. In addition to the factory leg, we can also use most standard photo tripods. The package includes a steel tripod and an extension tube. Its load capacity for one telescope is 6 kg, if it has two telescopes, it can weigh a total of 10 kg. The power supply works from 8 AA batteries with the help of the built-in battery holder. It can also be used from an external power source, with a voltage between 7.5-12V and min. power supply with 1A output is recommended.

Head weight: 2 kg, tripod weight: 2.4 kg. The weight of the extension: 0.12 kg

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The product comes with 2 years consumer warranty.

Recommended accessories

12V 1A power supply
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