ZWO ASI120MM mini monochrom Autoguider Camera
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In stock- 1 year manufacturer warranty
- 2 years consumer warranty
Product code: ASI120MMmini
ZWO ASI120MM mini monochrom Autoguider Camera
It also comes with an AUTOGUIDER PORT so you may use it for
planetary imaging or when you take images of deep sky with another
camera (a dSLR or a cooled ZWO) you may use this camera for guiding!
With the ZWO ASI120MM MINI camera you can achieve better results than
with those beginner cameras. We are not saying that anything is wrong
with those cameras like the TSSI, Scopiumcam or some converted webcams,
but this is just simply better for a still affordable price.
Mostly used for planetary imaging, it can also be used for deep sky imaging up to a certain level. This monochrome version is recommended for L-RGB or narrow band deep sky photography if you want to get out the best data from your camera and achieve sharp, contrasty deep sky images or planetary images, although you might also consider the USB3.0 version of the ASI120MM-S, the ASI120MM-S, that is slightly more expensive, but offers higher frame rates.
However if you don't want the hassle of using filters and stacking
LRGB images into a colour image or cannot spend much time and happy to
go for a compromise, simply choose the colour version, the ZWO ASI120MC-S.
With this monochrome version, you might also need a filter wheel and a
set of L-RGB filters or H-alpha and OIII filters, and maybe even H-beta
and SII filters as well for narrow band astro photography...) or you can
use it just as it is as a very affordable guide camera.
Features of the ZWO ASI120MM Mini
Recommended for guiding and imaging the Sun, Moon and some deep sky objects.
(To image the Sun you'll have to use a proper front solar filter or
Herschel wedge depending on your telescope. For imaging deep sky, you should also consider buying a filter
wheel, LRGB and narrow band filters as well.)
Resolution: 1280X960 at up to 30fps
Long time exposure up to 1000s! (although depending on the focal ratio
of your telescope and whether you use another camera for guiding or not,
you might need to limit it to a much shorter time...please ask.)
Autoguider Port
Built-in RAW mode and Grey mode output support. Only about 30% storage space required compared to the Color data format!
Peak Quantum Efficiency: 75% (better than ICX618)
No fixed pattern noise (FPN)!
Full aluminum housing with standard 1.25" interface
M28.5 internal thread.
This camera is widely used for autoguiding. Monochrome cameras are more frequently used for guiding due to the higher sensitivity, but if you are going to use it as a guide camera as well as a planetary imager, then you might consider buying a colour version or alternatively you can use a monochrome camera with a filter wheel and LRGB filters for imaging the planets. Bear in mind that due to the fast rotation of Jupiter, you will have to take very short single videos in each colour, i.e. 60-90 sec each colour then combine the stacks into a colour image.
More about the product
It also comes with an AUTOGUIDER PORT so you may use it for
planetary imaging or when you take images of deep sky with another
camera (a dSLR or a cooled ZWO) you may use this camera for guiding!
With the ZWO ASI120MM MINI camera you can achieve better results than
with those beginner cameras. We are not saying that anything is wrong
with those cameras like the TSSI, Scopiumcam or some converted webcams,
but this is just simply better for a still affordable price.
Mostly used for planetary imaging, it can also be used for deep sky imaging up to a certain level. This monochrome version is recommended for L-RGB or narrow band deep sky photography if you want to get out the best data from your camera and achieve sharp, contrasty deep sky images or planetary images, although you might also consider the USB3.0 version of the ASI120MM-S, the ASI120MM-S, that is slightly more expensive, but offers higher frame rates.
However if you don't want the hassle of using filters and stacking
LRGB images into a colour image or cannot spend much time and happy to
go for a compromise, simply choose the colour version, the ZWO ASI120MC-S.
With this monochrome version, you might also need a filter wheel and a
set of L-RGB filters or H-alpha and OIII filters, and maybe even H-beta
and SII filters as well for narrow band astro photography...) or you can
use it just as it is as a very affordable guide camera.
Features of the ZWO ASI120MM Mini
Recommended for guiding and imaging the Sun, Moon and some deep sky objects.
(To image the Sun you'll have to use a proper front solar filter or
Herschel wedge depending on your telescope. For imaging deep sky, you should also consider buying a filter
wheel, LRGB and narrow band filters as well.)
Resolution: 1280X960 at up to 30fps
Long time exposure up to 1000s! (although depending on the focal ratio
of your telescope and whether you use another camera for guiding or not,
you might need to limit it to a much shorter time...please ask.)
Autoguider Port
Built-in RAW mode and Grey mode output support. Only about 30% storage space required compared to the Color data format!
Peak Quantum Efficiency: 75% (better than ICX618)
No fixed pattern noise (FPN)!
Full aluminum housing with standard 1.25" interface
M28.5 internal thread.
This camera is widely used for autoguiding. Monochrome cameras are more frequently used for guiding due to the higher sensitivity, but if you are going to use it as a guide camera as well as a planetary imager, then you might consider buying a colour version or alternatively you can use a monochrome camera with a filter wheel and LRGB filters for imaging the planets. Bear in mind that due to the fast rotation of Jupiter, you will have to take very short single videos in each colour, i.e. 60-90 sec each colour then combine the stacks into a colour image.
arvaiestvan's opinion
After a few weeks, months of usage
Optical quality
Mechanical quality
Price/Value ratio

ZWO ASI120MM mini monochrom Autoguider Camera
Könnyű, kicsi. Vékony kábeleket adnak hozzá.
Nem találtam.
Vezető távcsőnek vettem. Drivert kell telepiteni. AsiStudio nevu szoftvert érdemes letölteni, a zwo honlapjáról. 2db usb kábelt kaptam vele, egy rovid egy hosszú. St4 kábel elég hosszu 2m is megvan. Nekem kellett is ennyi. Kiváló. Kamera.
Dulai Péter's opinion
After a few weeks, months of usage
Optical quality
Price/Value ratio

ZWO ASI120MM mini monochrom Autoguider Camera
VargaJános's opinion
Results of the first test
Optical quality
Mechanical quality
Price/Value ratio

ZWO ASI120MM mini monochrom Autoguider Camera
Kicsi és könnyű.
Nincs vele semmi gond amennyiben a PHD2 guiding "v2.6.5dev6" verziójával használjuk, a korábbival nem működik.
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NGC 2244 Rosette Nebula

Nyuszi-köd (Thor sisakja, NGC 2359)

NGC7380 Varázsló-köd

IC 1396A Elephant Trunk Nebula

SH2-129 (repülő denevér-köd) és Ou4 (tintahal-köd)

M31, elsőre a legkönnyebbet...

NGC 7789 Carolines rose

Buborék köd és környezete


M106 Galaxis és környezete

Leo Triplet (M65, M66, NGC3628)

M106 Galaxis és környéke

M51 – Örvény-Galaxis

A Szív-köd és a Melotte 15

A Kúp-köd és a Karácsonyfa-halmaz

A Szív és a Lélek

Galaxis és gömbhalmaz páros Sculptorban

NGC 1499 (Kalifornia-köd)

Jones 1 (Jn 1, PK 104-29.1) - Pegasus

NGC7139 - Cepheus

A Teremtés oszlopai - Sas-köd - Serpens

The Eastern Veil (NGC6992)

NGC7635 - M52

SH2-157 (Lobster Claw Nebula)
The product comes with 1 year warranty.
5, based on 8 reviews
Optical quality
5, based on 3 reviews
Mechanical quality
5, based on 2 reviews
Price/Value ratio
5, based on 3 reviews

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