9x50 finderscope with illuminated cross hair (straight)

incl. 27% VAT

Including 27% VAT:
87.16 € (35 300 HUF)
Net price (for non-EU customers):
68.63 € (27 795 HUF)
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  • 2 year manufacturer warranty
  • 2 years consumer warranty

Product code: 9x50i

9x50 finderscope with illuminated cross hair

These finderscopes are equipped with illuminated reticle which might make the use a bit easier. The brightness can be adjusted.

The objective lenses in finderscopes are achromatic ones and are fully multi coated which results in high light transmission. The reticles can be seen even in darkness.

All finderscopes can be mounted on SpringLoad mounts. Adjusting them to be parallel with the telescope is easy and quick, only two small screws need to be adjusted.

The 30mm model can show stars down to magnitude 9 (showing most of the stars drawn on an average chart). The 50mm model shows fainter stars, many of the Messier object can be directly seen even in the finderscope.


More about the product

These finderscopes are equipped with illuminated reticle which might make the use a bit easier. The brightness can be adjusted.

The objective lenses in finderscopes are achromatic ones and are fully multi coated which results in high light transmission. The reticles can be seen even in darkness.

All finderscopes can be mounted on SpringLoad mounts. Adjusting them to be parallel with the telescope is easy and quick, only two small screws need to be adjusted.

The 30mm model can show stars down to magnitude 9 (showing most of the stars drawn on an average chart). The 50mm model shows fainter stars, many of the Messier object can be directly seen even in the finderscope.


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The product comes with 2 years warranty (excluding electric parts)

The product comes with 2 years consumer warranty.

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